Riordan Parnell Character in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Riordan Parnell

Riordan Parnell

Handsome and dashing, Riordan Parnell is as mischievous and adventuresome as his cousin, Celedon Kierney. His life has been a rollercoaster ride between riches and poverty, but whatever his present financial state, Riordan is always ready for adventure. He enjoys equally stealing a kiss from a fair lass or hunting down the bandit army. He is a thrillseeker, living his life to the fullest and always on the edge of disaster.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Riordan's value to Gareth and company over the last few years cannot be underestimated. In addition to keeping a short rein on Celedon (something only Riordan seems able to accomplish), the bard's rousing songs kept the fires of hope burning in the face of the most terrible setbacks.


Riordan continues to serve the cause today. His melodies echo off the rocky mountain walls as he wanders the passes of the Galenas. He is the cornerstone of the Spysong scouting network, and considers himself personally responsible for all of its members. As if he weren't busy enough designing the infrastructure of the spy network, Riordan also weaves most of the ditties that carry the coded messages back down to his allies in Damara.   PCs encountering Riordan in the mountains will probably find him alone or with one other member of Spysong. He will be pleasant and friendly. Because he is so knowledgeable in regards to the goings-on in the region, he might have a suggestion for those who are seeking shelter or adventure.   In spite of his overwhelming workload with Spysong, Riordan might also be tempted to tag along with a party—just for the fun of it.
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