Murnaros Dolvak Character in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Murnaros Dolvak

Iron Lord Murnaros Dolvak

With an enormous pinched nose, small eyes, and a receding hairline, Murnaros looks like a scavenger bird. His gray hair is swept back from his face, and he wears gold spectacles. Murnaros isn’t charming, but he’s a good listener who turns his full attention to the conversation at hand. He adjusts his spectacles frequently.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Murnaros rose to Iron Lord, and that rise has been fueled by bribery, scheming, intimidation, and skillful maneuvering. Those at court who have crossed Murnaros have learned that he’s as patient as a serpent, and just as quick to strike when the moment’s right. Murnaros prefers to stay at least twice removed from any unpleasantness that his schemes require. He’ll neither wield the knife, nor pay someone to wield it—he’ll manipulate someone else into paying the wielder of the knife.

Morality & Philosophy

Though not evil, Murnaros is unscrupulous, ruthless, and willing to take the low road. He believes that scheming, and the resulting fallout, is just a part of politics.

Personality Characteristics


He wants to retain power for himself and wealth and security for his family, all without getting his hands too dirty.



“Ah, the throne. No, no, I have no ambitions to sit upon the throne. Only a fool would desire it. But if the Council is truly in agreement, then I will take it for the good of our people.”
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Iron Lord of Ironspur
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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