Ironhead's Tavern Building / Landmark in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Ironhead's Tavern

Ironhead's Tavern is a quiet, dour tavern on the eighth floor of the Vaasan North Tower, the food is usually good and the place is well swept. Merchants, caravan drovers, mercenaries, City Watch patrols, and unusual characters have their meals here. The proprietor is a retired dwarven warrior from Orothiar Hall who took a liking to the Gate.     Falgar Ironhead has a famous brother, Anvar, who was a member of an adventuring group called the Fellowship of the Torch, once based in Bloodstone City (then Bloodstone Village). Falgar came to the tower in search of Anvar, but learned his brother had been killed in the Bloodstone Wars. Falgar stayed on until the Gate was completed and rented space for the tavern.  
  Because of his brother's death, Falgar has a personal interest in seeing Zhengyi's followers suffer. He quietly puts out feelers to locate any cults or spies devoted to any of the remnants of Zhengyi's forces, and he will share it with any adventurers who are similarly opposed to Witch-King's Legacy.   The only barmaid here is Delma, hired two months ago. Delma is chatty and seems interested in the stories told by customers. She flirts with the guardsmen, but hasn't gotten too close to any particular guard or customer yet.  


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