Heidmarch Manor Building / Landmark in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Heidmarch Manor

The Gardens District is also the home of two of the city’s most eccentric citizens: esteemed hunters, explorers, and wizards Sheila Heidmarch and her husband Sir Canayven Heidmarch.     The world-traveling adventurers have recently retired to Bloodstone City, but have not been content to settle into the quiet life, instead opening their sizable manor to the Magician's Guild. Visiting members of the Magician's Guild are welcomed to the manor by comfortable lodgings, a well-stocked library of far-flung lore, and its owners’ sagely advice.     Currently, two additional guildmembers use the manor as a base camp: Alyma Gorangal (female Vaasan wizard), seeking to map the ancient ruins of Vaasa, and Joadric Heimurl (male Nar sorcerer), a bombastic man of barbaric descent bent on organizing an expedition into the Western Galena Mountains.

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