Connal Tranth Character in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Connal Tranth

Duke Connal Tranth

Age 60, with grey hair, Connal Tranth was powerful in his youth, now gone a little to fat (5' 11", 200 lbs). Hereditary Baron, 5th of his line, he took over from his father 25 years ago. This was shortly after problems broke out with the Kingdom of Vaasa and trade routes were abandoned; the Barony went downhill through no fault of the Baron's. At present he is discouraged and worn down from years of fighting a hopeless battle.   Duke Tranth's age has begun to catch up to him. He looks tired and weary.   Duke Connal Tranth was a powerful warrior in his day. At 60 years old, his body is slowly fattening. When not in the presence of his family, he looks as if the years of fighting have worn him down.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Baron of Bloodstone is perhaps one of the most influential people of the Damara in the last century. It was Connal Tranth who saw something in the young paladin Gareth Dragonsbane and granted the untested paladin control over his forces when the bandit army of Vaasa attached Bloodstone Pass in 1359. When the young paladin emerged from the Bloodstone Mines, having routed the minions of Orcus, the Baron named Gareth head of his Baronial Guard.   By the following year, Gareth was betrothed to Connal's daughter Christine, but another crisis delayed their marriage. The Duke of Arcata attacked the Barony. Gareth again rallied the diverse people of Bloodstone Vale and defeated the Arcatan army with minimal bloodshed. In victory, he offered the Arcatan Commander, Myrkos, safe passage back to Arcata with the remainder of his forces intact. This deal is referred to as "Gareth's Gamble", and proved to be a deciding factor in the Bloodstone Wars.   Within two years, Gareth had united the various provinces of Damara under his banner. On Gareth's marriage to Christine, Connal abdicated his title, allowing Gareth and Christine to rule the Barony of Bloodstone jointly.   But fate was not finished with Connal. Once established, King Gareth elevated the Barony to Duchy and returned the Duchy to Connal. King Gareth focuses on the Council of Damara and the defense of the realm from Zhengyi's remaining forces, leaving Duke Tranth to handle the day-to-day governing of the Duchy.
Bloodstone Village
Current Residence
Bloodstone City
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Damaran, Common, Hin, Dwarven, Centaur
Ruled Locations


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