Clan Hammerfall Organization in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Clan Hammerfall

Clan Hammerfall is a minor clan in service to Paradur. Kirin Hammerfall is an accomplished smith and friends with his Thane, Helmaer Paradur. The two are so close that Helmaer has started to teach Kirin the secrets of magical forging. Kirin's wife Veyish is in charge of the family clan hall, and is a stern matriarch to her children. Kirin and Veyish have four sons, Kinvar, Golran, Stengar and Ulfgar, along with two daughters, Tiesa and Finola. While Kinvar and Golran have taken up their father's trade, Stengar has chosen to go into the service of Dumathoin, while Ulfgar has taken the role of scout, not the most prestigious of careers for a dwarven son. While Kirin doesn't understand his son's choice, he certainly admires that Ulfgar has "forged his own path", a pun he uses liberally much to the groans of the entire family. Ulfgar's recent decision to go off "adventuring" is a little more troubling to Kirin.
Geopolitical, Clan
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