Church of Tempus Organization in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Church of Tempus

Tempus is worshiped by those of every alignment and lineage who wage war for all causes. The Tempuran clergy may be found on both sides of a conflict, as none can ever truly know whom the war god will favor. Priests of Tempus tend to be human, male, and of a temperament that enjoys battle, though the clergy is open to all beings who have prayed privately to Tempus and received the blessing of a spell, a manifestation, or direct aid of some sort. In some societies, such as that of the Northmen of the Moonshae Islands and the barbarians of Icewind Dale, Tempus is served by shamans. Temples of Tempus are usually what are more commonly known as walled military compounds than what most picture as temples.     Military ranks within the faith are common. Ranks typical of many temples of Tempus are Warpriest, Swung Sword, Terrible Sword, Lance of the Lord, Shield of the God, Battlelady/Battlelord, Swordmaster/Swordmistress, and Lady/Lord of the Field—but these are often superseded by titles that go with a position, such as Battle Chaplain of a shrine or Trusted Sword (seneschal) of a temple. Ranks are assigned by those in authority in the church in light of service, needs, and situation, and brevet (temporary) commands are common in desperate situations. Special leaders of a temple or crusade are entitled to wear the heavy battle gauntlet of rank.


Major Centers of Worship: The most prominent Tempuran temple is the High House of Swords and Banners ("the Bloodhall") in Ormpetarr, which began centuries ago as a meeting house for the many mercenary companies active in the Vilhon and the lands east and became the first shrine of the Lord of Battles. Its original altar, a gigantic bowl over which an enchanted flaming two-handed sword levitates and slowly rotates, still stands in the heart of the vast central hall. The High House now trains warriors for fees (simultaneously instructing them in the worship of Tempus), and also sells warriors mounts, armor, and equipment of superior quality. Several raids on its fortified armories in the past have failed, but such attacks have ceased since the warrior-priests of the High House wiped out an ore horde 20 times their number in the Year of the Sword (1365 DR).     Since the Time of Troubles, a site of great holiness in the church of Tempus has been the Abbey of the Sword in Battledale, which marks the spot where Tempus descended to Faerun during the Time of Troubles. The site was located after a priest of the war god followed Tempus's backtrail away from his appearance at the battlefield of Swords Creek in Mistledale. The abbey is built on the former site of the hold of the warrior Belarus, a devout worshiper of the war god in times past.

Tenets of Faith

Tempus does not win battles—Tempus helps the deserving warrior win battles. War is fair in that it oppresses all sides equally and that in any given battle, a mortal may be slain or become a great leader among his or her companions. War should not be feared, but seen as a natural force, a human force, the storm that civilization brings by its very existence.     The faithful of Tempus are charged to arm all for whom battle is needful, even foes. They should retreat from hopeless fights, but never avoid battle, and slay one foe decisively and bring battle to a halt rather than hacking down many over time and dragging on hostilities. They are to defend what they believe in, lest it be swept away, and remember the dead who fell fighting before them. Above all, they should disparage no foe and respect all, for valor blazes in all, regardless of age, gender, or race.     Tempus looks favorably upon those who acquit themselves honorably and tirelessly in battle, smiting mightily when facing a foe, but avoiding such craven tricks as destroying homes, family, or livestock when a foe is away or attacking from the rear (except when such an attack is launched by a small band against foes of vastly superior numbers). Tempus believes that warriors should responsibly consider the consequences of the violence they do beforehand and try to not hot-headedly rush off to wage war recklessly.     On the other hand, Tempus teaches that people with smooth tongues or fleet feet who avoid all strife and never defend their beliefs wreak more harm than the most energetic tyrant raider or horde leader.


Specialty Priests (Battleguards)



You are a dedicated soldier serving under the god of war. Your vestments are robes with blood-red trimming and a steel.    


You may request sanctuary at any temple or shrine of Tempus. If injured, you may request that a priest of Tempus heal your wounds, though any priest of Tempus is under no compulsion to do so more than once per battle.    

Piety (Renown)

A follower of Tempus earns piety (or renown) by engaging in glorious battle. Private battles, far from the eyes of the church, generally cannot be verified, and since followers often brag of their battlefield prowess, don't often result in an increase of piety. Witnessed battles must be challenging for the follower of Tempus, a battle where the follower is barely scratched means that the foe wasn't worthy to begin with.     Leading armies and militias in victorious battle is also a source of piety, moreso if an avatar of Tempus appears on the battlefield.     A follower may lose piety by fleeing from combat unless the opposition is clearly overwhelming. Being in charge of a lost battle also results in a loss of piety.

Granted Divine Powers

The Forged (1 Piety)

The Forged, or Newly Forged are novices in the worship of Tempus. They drill in the field, and in the temples, perfecting their craft. Forged have access to the resources of the Church of Tempus.    

The Whetted (3 Piety)

Once a blade is Whetted, it must be sharpened. The Whetted are trained in History, focusing particularly on wars and strategy. The character adds the History skill to their list of trained skills. If the character is already trained in History, they gain Expertise on History checks made when the subject is related to wars, battlefields, or strategy.     In addition, the Whetted can determine the workmanship, and magical ability of any weapon or armor they are proficient in by handling the arms or armor for a minute. This ability recharges after a short rest.    

Battleguard (10 Piety)

A Battleguard may enter a Battlerage similar to a barbarian's rage once per day. While raging, the Battleguard gain the following benefits:
  • You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
  • When you make a melee weapon attack using Strength, you gain a +2 to damage bonus.
  • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  If you are able to cast spells, you can’t cast them or concentrate on them while raging.   Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage on your turn as a bonus action. If your rage ends early for any reason, you gain one level of exhaustion.    

Battlelord (25 Piety)

A Battlelord may incite Battlerage in themselves and others similar to a Battleguard. When a Battlelord rages, he may include a number of allies equal to his Charisma bonus to enter the Battlerage with him. Allies may either willing enter the Battlerage, or make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + CHA Bonus + Proficiency Bonus). If the Battlelord ends his own Battlerage, his allies Battlerage also ends. A Battlelord may incite Battlerage 3 times per day.     In addition, the Battlelord may perform a week-long ritual which designates a specific weapon as their signature weapon. That weapon is considered magical when wielded by the Battlelord, and the Battlelord gains an additional +1 to hit and damage when wielding that weapon. If that weapon is lost or destroyed, the Battlelord may consecrate a new weapon using the same ritual.    

Lord of the Field (50+ Piety)

The Lord of the Field is considered to be one of the leaders of the church of Tempus. They wield the executive powers of the church. Lords of the Field have the ability to rally men and armies to their cause. There are stories telling of Lords of the Field calling together great crusades, but every story ends in the Lord of the Field's death. It could be that Tempus grants that ability only as a "Last Request"


Affiliated Orders: The Tempuran church has many affiliated orders. Two of note are the Order of the Broken Blade and the Order of the Steel Fang.   The Order of the Broken Blade honors those warriors and clergy who are injured in Tempus's service and can no longer fight in the front lines. Broken Blades often serve in support functions at temples and shrines and take a personal oath upon joining the order to defend the holy site where they reside to the death as a final line of defense.   The Order of the Steel Fang is an elite fighting order within the church whose members are often assigned to the most hazardous duties. Steel Fang units are led by battle-hardened members of the clergy. Many mercenary companies and knightly fighting orders of crusaders also avail themselves of a connection to the church. One badge of the god seen among his affiliated mercenaries is a rusty brown dagger, shown diagonally with its point to the upper right, dripping four drops of blood. No knightly orders of paladins serve Tempus, however.
Religious, Organised Religion
Controlled Territories


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