Caullyn Settlement in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil


Caullyn is a modestly prosperous town and the county seat of Caulnar. It serves as a major thoroughfare from Goliad and the Duchy of Brandiar and excels in winemaking. Dye-makers and perfumers are another large industry in Caullyn, and walking through town during a busy day exposes travelers to all kinds of scents and odors.   Like many in the county, the people of Caullyn like their count, Kurell Sarenor, far better than Baron Ree. Many here express the opinion that "If the Baron wants to play at being King, he needs to step aside and let Sarenor be the Baron." There is also a disdain for Graelan Polmar, who now runs the county of Morovar, with many people her calling him Ree's attack dog. While anti-Ree feelings can be openly expressed here, the people still call him the baron, and his dictates are still carried out.   Count Kurell Sarenor has a large home in Caullyn, but he rules the county from his family estate, Caer Sarenor, in the center of the county. He has appointed Lord-Mayor Gunter Quinten to administer Caullyn in his stead.   The downturn of business as more and more caravans try to skirt the barony hasn't had as much of an effect in Caulnar as in Morovar, and the people genuinely feel sorry for their neighbors in the county of Morovar.


Demographics: Human (66%), Dwarf (20%), Halfling (7%), Half-Orc (4%), Half-Elf (2%), Elf (1%), Gnome (1%)


Count Kurell Sarenor rules Caulnar from his family estate, Caer Sarenor in the center of the county. The count visits Caullyn often   Lord-Mayor Gunter Quinten is the local lord who oversees Caullyn. His family has served the Sarenor's for generations and has seen the town grow from a tiny hamlet along the Goliad to a prominent town of Morov. He shares Count Sarenor's distaste for Baron Ree's move to Heliogabalus, but knows better than to share his feelings publicly.


District Guard

Ranfred Adleinis the commander of the town guard. He is also responsible for training the local militia in case of war.

Industry & Trade

Caullyn is known for its wines, importing grapes from Brandiar. While technically in competition with the Brandiar vintages, Caullyn has perfected the recipe for Damaran Winterwine.

Guilds and Factions

Important People

Avelina Harson (Transmuter and member of the Guild of Mages)



The Half-Full Lodge (Inn) The Winged Owlbear (Inn) The Swinging Halberd (Inn) The Hardy Breastplate (Blacksmith) West Embassy Stash (General Store)
Owning Organization

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