Borl Hedelstone Character in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Borl Hedelstone

Borl is a tough dwarf — in mind as well as body. He fought drow and other Underdark horrors for many years and has the scars to prove it, pale against his forge-darkened skin. The most noticeable scar runs from ear to ear across his neck, the result of being left for dead by a dark elf raiding party. Unfortunately for the elves, he did not die, but instead found the energy to bind his throat with the rag of a dead dwarfs robe until help arrived. When he recovered, Borl set off into the tunnels on his own. Many never expected to see him again, but when he returned, carrying six dark elf heads, no one was terribly surprised. But he is at a loss on how to deal with the clan's current problems, wondering if a clanmember has unleashed a curse on them all.
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