Calian's Provisions Building / Landmark in Tales of Everia | World Anvil
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Calian's Provisions

Calian’s Provisions is run out of Daintree where Calians descendant Kain Jacobson and his family have lived for many years.   With some shrewd business savvy and a small amount of wealth, they have risen their stores to somewhat of a chain and now have stores across much of the continent. They established one of their first stores outside of Daintree in Haber's Reach not long after arriving in Eldorai from the island. Kain himself wanting the quieter life has left much of the business in the hands of his sons and retired to this once sleepy end of the world. Having the only trading post in Haber's Reach has its benefits and allows Kain a fairly laid back lifestyle.   Its shelves stock most ordinary goods and supplies, including things like bedrolls, rope, backpacks, and rations. The store is open most days from sunup to sundown but sometimes when the itch scratches Kain will close up and go do some mountain fishing. Calian’s has never stocked armor or weapons due to Calian being very much a pacifist and with this, his ideologies filtered down through all his business endeavors. People are more than welcome to peruse the shop and can purchase other adventuring gear here. Anything a person wants can usually be found somewhere in a store in Eldorai but obviously, time can be a limitation.   Calian's Provisions can be found in most major cities and some towns.
Shopping mall / Commercial Complex


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