Wrath Hog Species in Tales of Corvinium | World Anvil
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Wrath Hog

While giant boar of several varieties are common enough throughout Bresas-Imora, the colossal wrath hog is truly a creature of the deep wilderness, with a range extending from the Rime Holdings through Emn and the Eastern Reach and occasional sightings as far south as the Free Baronies.

An adult wrath hog is as large as a mammoth and similarly furred, with multiple curving tusks and a back lined with javelin-like bristles. Their coloration runs from black to brown to white-grey, with occasional brindled variants.

Like their smaller cousins, wrath hogs are indiscriminate omnivores that will eat almost anything available, up to and including each other from time to time. Many naturalists argue that this makes them the apex predator of the regions where they're found, as even a greater nighttiger is hesitant to hunt a full-sized wrath hog except out of desperation. Wrath hogs are indisputably some of the most dangerous creatures in the twinned continents, combining size, strength, an extremely territorial nature, and a seeming inability to see other creatures as a threat to make them an utterly terrifying encounter.

Unlike smaller swine, wrath hogs are almost exclusively solitary except during their mating season, which occurs in late summer. Litters consist of three to four, which are accompanied by their mother until weaned; at that point, they fight each other until only one or at most two survive.

Despite the extreme danger in hunting them, there exists a black market in many parts of Imora, especially in Zorcia, for wrath hog parts prepared for medicinal purposes. Most of these uses are sheer mountebankery (and many things sold as wrath hog parts are indeed counterfeit), but powdered wrath hog tusk does indeed have a number of applications and is much sought after by many alchemists and sorcerers.


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