Rezmis in Tales of Cevantia | World Anvil


The Wanderer

There Are Many Roads Left to Take...
Rezmis, known as The Wanderer, is a mysterious and enigmatic deity whose appearance and nature defy conventional understanding. He manifests as a humanoid figure, often cloaked in a gray, weathered cloak. However, one of his prominent forms features a stag's head adorned with antlers that emerge from his head like a regal crown. Rezmis is frequently surrounded by animals, emphasizing his deep connection with the natural world.   The appearance of Rezmis is ever-changing, mirroring the transient nature of his wanderings. He can assume different forms and species over time, reflecting the diverse manifestations of life and existence. This fluidity reflects the god's adaptable and ever-evolving nature.   The origin of Rezmis is the subject of various tales and myths. One legend suggests that The Wanderer predates the current universe and played a role in bringing the spark of life to it. Another account claims that Rezmis was an aspect of the Elemental Leviathans, powerful beings associated with the four primal elements. However, due to the lack of space for another god, Rezmis was compelled to wander through different planes of existence, utilizing hidden portals scattered across numerous forests.   Followers of The Wanderer are bound by a set of tenets that revolve around providing aid and assistance to fellow travelers. These acts of kindness can include offering food, shelter, directions when asked or needed, giving rides in caravans or on ships, and extending a helping hand to those in need. Rezmis' teachings emphasize the importance of community, empathy, and the shared journey of life.   As The Wanderer traverses various realms, he represents the eternal spirit of exploration, the perpetual seeker of knowledge and experiences. His presence can be found in the solitary footsteps of a traveler, the hidden paths through ancient forests, and the camaraderie shared among kindred souls on a voyage.

Tenets of Rezmis

  • Hospitality: Followers of Rezmis are encouraged to extend kindness and assistance to fellow travelers. They offer food, shelter, directions, and aid to those in need, fostering a sense of community and support along the journey.
  • Embrace Change: The Wanderer embodies the ever-changing nature of existence, and his followers embrace this principle. They remain adaptable, open to new experiences, and willing to explore different paths, recognizing that growth and transformation are inherent in the journey of life.
  • Connection with Nature: Rezmis is closely associated with the natural world and its creatures. His followers strive to nurture a deep connection with nature, respecting and protecting the environment and its inhabitants. They seek to live in harmony with the natural rhythms of the world, finding solace and inspiration in the beauty of the wilderness.
  • Spirit of Exploration: The Wanderer symbolizes the eternal spirit of exploration and discovery. His followers embrace this spirit by seeking new knowledge, pursuing personal growth, and venturing into uncharted territories, both physically and metaphorically.
  • Embrace Solitude and Reflection: Rezmis is often depicted as a solitary figure, wandering through different planes of existence. His followers understand the value of solitude and reflection, recognizing the importance of introspection, self-discovery, and finding inner peace amidst the chaos of the world.
  • Seek Hidden Knowledge: Rezmis is believed to have access to hidden portals and secret realms. His followers are encouraged to seek hidden knowledge, whether it be esoteric wisdom, forgotten lore, or deeper truths that lie beyond the surface. They embrace the pursuit of knowledge and understanding as an integral part of their journey.
In realms unknown, where paths converge,
A deity roams, forever to urge.
Rezmis, The Wanderer, his name resounds,
In whispered tales and echoes profound.
Cloaked in gray, weathered and wise,
His presence enchants, a celestial guise.
Stag's head adorned with antlers bold,
A crown of majesty, a story untold.
Through forests deep and mountains high,
Rezmis wanders, with a knowing sigh.
Animals as companions, his loyal kin,
A symphony of nature, where he has been.
Ever-changing, his form takes flight,
A dance of mysteries, shifting with night.
From mount to ship, in caravans astray,
He traverses worlds, with purpose to sway.
Legend whispers of origins unclear,
The spark of life he carried near.
Born of elements, or pre-universe born,
His enigma lingers, forever torn.
Followers find solace in his gaze,
A guide through nights and weary days.
Embracing change, they heed his call,
With open hearts, they journey, standing tall.
Rezmis, The Wanderer, a beacon of grace,
His footsteps echo in every place.
In solitude, he finds the hidden key,
And through his essence, we are set free.


  • The Wanderer


  • Travel


  • Animals
  • Forests
  • Planes