Otthios in Tales of Cevantia | World Anvil


The Administer of Justice

Laws without enforced consequences are merely suggestions.
Otthios, The Keeper of Law and Order, possesses a captivating beauty that emanates from his pale complexion, long flowing hair of light grey, and eyes that gleam like bright burnt copper. With a medium height and a solid build, he projects an aura of authority and strength. His expression often carries a guarded demeanor, reflecting the weight of his responsibility. Clad in stylized robes dyed in the neutral hues of black and grey, he adorns himself with the Circlet of Order, a symbol of his divine authority.
As the deity associated with peace and knowledge, Otthios is revered by those who uphold the principles of law and order. His worshippers consist of individuals who seek to maintain harmony within society and those who preside over courts, ensuring justice is served. They perform specific rites and rituals that demonstrate their commitment to upholding the laws and principles set forth by Otthios.   Depictions of Otthios can be found in numerous libraries and in the most remote and secluded locations. These depictions serve as reminders of the importance of order and knowledge, guiding those who seek wisdom and understanding. His presence is felt within the scholarly realms, where seekers of truth and justice draw inspiration from his divine influence.   However, Otthios is known to be a rather passive deity, seldom offering direct guidance to his followers. His teachings emphasize the necessity for mortals to make their own decisions, relying on their knowledge of laws and their understanding of order. While he may not be readily accessible, his influence is felt through the establishment and adherence to legal systems, governance, and the pursuit of justice.   The worshippers of Otthios navigate the complexities of maintaining law and order, often grappling with difficult decisions in their pursuit of justice. They strive to embody the principles of fairness, impartiality, and integrity, seeking to create a just society guided by reason and wisdom. Their positions in various realms of authority and their commitment to upholding the laws distinguish them as followers of Otthios.   While Otthios may be difficult to communicate with directly, his influence on the world is evident through the adherence to laws, the establishment of just systems, and the pursuit of knowledge.   Tenets of Otthios  
  • Uphold the Laws: Otthios' followers are dedicated to upholding and respecting the laws and regulations that govern society. They recognize the importance of order and the role that laws play in promoting justice and fairness. They strive to act in accordance with these laws and encourage others to do the same.
  • Promote Justice and Fairness: Otthios' worshippers are advocates for justice and fairness. They believe in the equitable treatment of all individuals, regardless of their social status, background, or circumstances. They actively seek to rectify injustices, support the marginalized, and ensure that everyone has equal access to justice.
  • Maintain Balance and Harmony: Followers of Otthios understand the importance of maintaining balance and harmony within society. They strive to resolve conflicts peacefully, mediate disputes, and encourage cooperation among individuals and communities. They seek to foster an environment where people can coexist harmoniously and thrive together.
  • Embody Integrity and Ethics: Otthios' worshippers hold themselves to high moral standards. They prioritize integrity, honesty, and ethical conduct in their actions and interactions. They recognize that acting with integrity is crucial in upholding the principles of law and order and inspiring trust within their communities.
  • Seek Knowledge and Wisdom: Otthios' followers value knowledge and wisdom as essential tools in maintaining order and promoting justice. They are committed to lifelong learning, continuously expanding their understanding of the laws, ethics, and societal structures. They strive to make informed decisions based on reason and logic.
  • Serve the Community: The worshippers of Otthios actively engage in service to their communities. They offer their skills, knowledge, and time to support the functioning of society. Whether through volunteering, participating in civic activities, or holding positions of authority, they contribute to the betterment of their communities and the promotion of law and order.
  • Respect Diversity and Difference: Otthios' followers embrace diversity and respect individual differences. They recognize that a just and orderly society celebrates and values the contributions of all its members. They promote inclusivity, encourage dialogue, and work towards eliminating prejudice and discrimination.


  • The Administer of Justice
  • Lawbringer
  • Keeper of Law and Order


  • Law
  • Order
  • Justice
  • Retribution


  • Reason
  • Knowledge

Favored Weapon:

  • Club