"Professional Carders" Organization in Tales from the Peppermint Twist | World Anvil

"Professional Carders"

Professional Carders are those persons who for a quick bit of cash, go about placing illegal advertisements in public places. Most being for pornography and prostitution. Mostly within and upon public telephone boxes. It is an unsafe job, having to dodge the police, rival carders and other miscreant who might make an offense against them. However, if it pays the bills, one must do what one must.   A person might query a carder as to why in 2085 someone would need a card when they can easily go onto the matrix. It is simply a matter of discretion. It is much more difficult to catch someone in an infidelity when they whisk a card off the side of a telephone box instead of following the data trail one might leave behind in the matrix. There are old fashioned blokes who prefer the cards and think of it as a game, not unlike hunting a cute rabbit or sultry fox. Others enjoy the feel of glossy paper on their fingertips.   The tart cards that are distributed are not just mere gloss paper, the paper being obvious and easily torn down by the authorities. Some cards are RFID chips that are strategically placed to bomb passersby with augmented reality advertisements. There are also wireless matrix links that the RFID chips advertise for a more virtual experience.   Carders have to avoid certain persons. Mostly the cleaners sent out by the telecom company to clean the telephone boxes. The cleaners are unarmed but can be a real pain with their cleaning supplies and tools. A spray bottle of cleanser in the eyes does not make for a nice day at all.   As a carder, one often has to deal with rival carders. The snatching off cards and materials, as well as possible beat downs from a rival are unpleasant. Many a carder has been sent to the hospital by a rival.   The police by far are the worst. It is illegal to card public places. The police will generously give you a fine to pay or perhaps some kindly judge will place you in the local jail for a fortnight or more. More often that not the authorities will confiscate a carder's vehicle in addition to the fines and jail time.   A typical carder is ready and fit. Able to fight off a rival or run away from the authorities.  
by NightCafe by Absinthe


No structure, rather a group of independent freelancers.


Generally most carders are anti-authority in nature, with a strong streak of rebellious blood running through their veins.

Public Agenda

They are out to make easy cash.


Carders have an assortment of light transportation. Bicycles, mopeds, the occasional motorcycle.

We will sticker, plaster and card anything anytime anywhere!

Founding Date
Late twentieth century.
Broadcasting, Other


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