Otherspace in Tales from Nigita | World Anvil
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Characters Present

After an anomalous Hyperspace accident, The RuneQuest was thrown into a subdimension of Hyperspace adrift without Hypermatter left in their reactor. They managed to find a derelict cluster of ships webbed together into the remains of what appeared to be a Vyjand starship. There they fought with spider-like humanoids and encountered Imperials out of time. Together with them, they fought the last holdouts of the spider-creatures and secured a piece of alien technology to bring them back. They returned moments before their ship originally left. The Imperials opt not to set foot on Nigita (in sheer terror of the name.) Kestra offers ship upgrades and repairs.

Adventure Capsule

Game Date: 10.Dorn.35 ABY
Date: 4/29/2020
XP Earned: 10xp
Credits Earned: 1500cr
Gamemaster: Bill M.

Duty Rewards (Choose)
  • Harmonium: --
  • Independents: --
  • Republic Remnant: --
  • Scum & Villainy: 20
Casualties & Injuries
  • None Reported.
  • Bantarra receives a single ship upgrade (R5) opportunity at cost (less with duty.)

  • Tia, Sabbath, and Theta receive a single ship upgrade (R6) opportunity at no cost (combined reward.)

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Cover image: Tales from Nigita World Codex Cover by W.Morgenthien


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