30th GLASG, 572EE - A Campfire Interlude Report in TalanthE | World Anvil
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30th GLASG, 572EE - A Campfire Interlude

General Summary

Over the campfire that night, after fighting the many blights, the band find time to talk, to share stories, and to learn more about each other. As Harnir cooked they sat around and for the first time opened up about their former lives.
Hilde tells a story of her youth. Exploring a cave known as Howlers Crag on a dare she encountered a wild and frightening beast that chased her. The story has her friends gripped as they listen to her escape. It is a story of which epics may be written and all feel the thrill, as well as the fewr, as though they were there themselves.
Montague "Monty" Hightower has a moment of unusual self reflection. The experiences in the town, amongst others, have made him realise how privileged he has been. He begins to think that a different approach is needed. But also he feels he has been more focused on his own desires then those of his friends.
There is talk of dragons and sorcerers, wonder about Fizbet and whether he is a charlatan or for real. Can he see the future and tell what is to come?
Zendazalle Kront'tazza remains contemplative as ever. It is hard sometimes to read what passes over her face.  An admiration for her new found colleagues, or simply an interest in how so different they are from anything she has met before.
 For a moment it seems that they will all abandon their current engagements in order to rescue Hilde’s tribe, but then the weight of all around them rests on their shoulders and they once more brace for the task ahead. 

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250xp per PC
Report Date
16 Aug 2020


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