13-15th Glasg, 572eE Report in TalanthE | World Anvil
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13-15th Glasg, 572eE

General Summary

When Kork left Irilian with his trading wagon train he needed some escorts. Three travellers approached him for work and were taken on. Lukas Donavin, Hilde, and Harnir were all looking to travel to Octow's Reach. The wagon train set off. As they went along the trail they picked up some wanderers heading the same way. Zendazalle Kront'tazza , Jebeddo , and Vashti all had their own reasons, and a friendly if slightly uneasy atmosphere settled over the group. Over camp fires and Harnirs cooking some stories were told and a few of the travellers learnt a little bit more about each other. Kork showed the travellers a map of the area.

Rewards Granted

XP For RP - 60xp per PC
Total xp 60

Character(s) interacted with

Junno, a traveller heading from Octow’s Reach to Irilian came across the party. He had not had much success trading in Octow's Reach and happily bought a hunting trap and light crossbow from Harnir. The group failed to get any information from him about Cobblyn Woods, but Harnir did get some tobacco in exchange for coffee.
Report Date
11 Jun 2020
Primary Location


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