Takashi The War of the Four Emperors
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The War of the Four Emperors

Military action


For the last century, Germany and Britannia had competed with each other and unresolved issues from previous wars would explode when a Britannian battleship was destroyed in Calais which quickly got out of hand as the Britannian's threatened war and the French refused. The conflict would expand to include most of the star system.

War broke out and many were eager for war, led by Germany, France, Poland-Lithuania, Hungary, Byzantine Empire, Iberian Union, Russian Empire, and the Italian States went to war with Britannia and Yamato (Japan's new name). The war lasted decades, with neither side willing to peace out, nor able to win a decisive victory. Eventually, through a war of naval attrition, Britannia and Yamoto were able to win the naval war, and would several years later win the ground war. The war was devastating for all those involved killing 10-15% of total mages, as well as about 5% of the non-mage population, and all powers involved were bankrupt. The alliance Germany had assembled broke down, Russia became isolationist, and France gave up on maintaining an extensive colonial empire, with Germany retaining more of its power only through reinvesting through advanced technology to make up for their shortage of manpower. Britannia once again emerged without any rivals and Yamoto secured its position as the 2nd great power and soon-to-be largest in population.

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