Ghosts and Wraiths Species in Takashi | World Anvil
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Ghosts and Wraiths

Ghosts and Wraiths are why even criminals are careful of who they kill, they wouldn't want them to come back for revenge
— Britannian police officer


When a person dies, humans or Yokai their soul leaves their bodies and becomes what is known as a ghost. Ghosts are limited in their ability to interact with the physical world, though they are able to fly and phase through walls, Although ghosts and wraiths are effected by magical barriers. Ghost will often struggle to keep a sound mind, forgetting things of their past life, and eventually going mad until they cross over to the spirit world, however, there are some ghosts who are the exception and manage to keep their mind intact usually working with the nobles for a time.


Wraiths are ghosts who have been wronged in life or death and carry rage and anger within themselves which causes them to transform into wraiths. wraiths are hideously deformed and are extremely violent to anyone they encounter especially those they think have wronged them. They're far stronger than normal ghosts, and thus are extremely dangerous to deal without a mage. wraiths will seek out those who wronged them and enact vengeance, and afterward will wonder forever until exorcised.

Faimly Shrines

As a way to help their lost loved ones pass on to the spirit world and onto paradise, many families will establish a shrine either in their home or local church which is dedicated to their lost loved one. There they will leave offerings for the ghost such as food and letters, in an effort to show their love and appreciation for them. While this is done for religious reasons, it is also done for practical reasons as ghosts have been known to have gone mad when they feel abandoned by the former family.


While some ghosts manage to cross over on their to the spirit world, ever since the barrier between the physical and spirit worlds was broken ghosts struggle and must usually be assisted by mages. Such a duty is held by various priests, shrine maidens, and monks, which are often held by the nobility. These individuals track down ghosts of the deceased and perform magic to open a portal to allow them to cross over, Although sometimes the ghosts most are convinced or forced to cross over. In the more extreme cases, the ghosts have to be fought before they can be exercised, such is often the case for ghosts of former mages gone mad.   In order for wraiths to be exorcised by a mage, the wraith will first have to be purified by the mage through an extremely painful process of which attempts to remove the corrupted wraith part of the ghost. From there the mage will perform the exorcism like normal and send the now hopefully ghost over to the spirit world. However, often the mage's efforts will be temporary and the ghost's rage and anger will cause them to again revert to being a wraith.
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Battlefield Exorisim

Deaths on the battlefield have the highest rate of ghosts becoming wraiths, or at least going mad. Because wraiths and ghosts may attack their former allies, armies carry with them priests and monks to perform exorcisms on friend and foe ghosts out of respect. These individuals are given special privileges that allow them to safely operate between opposing armies, both sides agreeing to let them do their job without interference. In cases where this tradition isn't followed such as with demons and spirits, priests and monks are given escorts to ensure their safety.


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