The Kingdom of Mariel Organization in Taikangaard | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Mariel

Between the mountains and the sea, the heart of an empire still beats. Once the center of an nationthat seemed like it would concur the world, Mariel has slipped from being the home of the greatest of mortal lords, Varien the Great and his great capital of Thesrea still endures, though it is now a shadow of its former self. Mariel endures and shall endure, the empire that should have been.


Mariel is a constitutional monarchy. At the top of the government is the law, the king must follow. The king is the chief executor of the law, under him serve a collection of counts, who lead the 7 counties of Mariel, and under each of them are 4 barons. A town or city is usually led by a mayor or alderman.

Public Agenda

  • Mariel seeks to be the nation that makes peace between the others, avoiding the conflicts of their neighbors.
  • Mariel seeks to be a place of peace and freedom.
  • Mariel is a place that focuses on continuing its proud tradition.
  • Assets

    Mariel is a rich nation that is no longer rich. Since the death of Varien, his replacements have not lived up to expectations and fewer nations deal with Mariel as before. They have taken a neutral position in the war between Stereos and Jahlbar, and have backed the unpopular existing government of Morogh. That being said, Mariel is still a military power to be reckoned with. They have the largest navy of any of the kingdoms of men. Their standing army is smaller than that of Jahlbar or Veitenland. The borders are generally well fortified and the relatively small size of Mariel means that communication and concentration of power is at a very high level. Mariel, has a lot of wonderful, but fading infrastructure, unsustainable because of a dogged unwillingness to raise taxes higher. The roads through Mariel are still taxed for travelers.


    Mariel came late into the Inner Realms, contested land between Morogh and Veitenland that declared its own independence in 198 B.V. The golden age of Mariel came during the reign of Varien, Lord of the Inner Realms. His rule brought incredible prosperity and lasting peace to the nation that craved those things most. Despite having inner turmoil following his death, Mariel still makes every effort to maintain its status as the peacekeeper of the Inner Realms. Throughout the time after Varien, they have maintained their role, but far less so than they once did. They're only foreign wars were fought in the time of Varien and this land as seen peace for many centuries.

    Demography and Population

    Through the influence of Varien, Mariel has become the most diverse nation in the inner realms. It is said that you could find a creatures of every langauge and race on the streetcorners of Thesrea. The racial majority consists of humans of Moro extraction, followed closely by those of Veitenlander origin, these majorities are more distantly followed by Halflings, Lycans, and other humans in that order.   Of the Inner Realms Mariel has the 5th smallest territory and 5th smallest population.


    The Territory of Mariel is carved not ethnically, but politically from the much larger kingdoms of Morogh and Veitenland, at the central square of Tesrea, as these are portions of their territory originally which are cut off geographically from their earlier countries, rather than letting their distant monarchs fight proxy wars through their peaceful land, the people of Mariel rebelled in 198 B.V. and formed their own nation to avoid being used by peoples they did not view as their own.


    Unlike most of the other nations of the Inner Realms Mariel uses a purely professional army and navy, making up for size with excellence and constant readiness.

    Technological Level

    Technology would be higher than average, but less advanced than Jahlbar making them the defacto superpower. Scientific level would be what is expected for a medieval analog.


    While the Cult of Tarja is the stated religion of the court, the citizens of Mariel are entitled to practice whichever religion they may so choose, so long as it is not in open worship of one of the dark gods.

    Foreign Relations

    Good Relationships With: the Lycan Tribes, Elves, Morogh, Sabea   Middling Relationships With: Jahlbar, Veitenland   Poor Relationships With: Dwarves, Stereos, Orcs

    Agriculture & Industry

    Outside of the great forges and factories of Dwarves there is no real industry in the world of the Inner Realms. Mariel's main industry is making specialty items. There is a good deal of agriculture, but not to the level of Morogh, the Breadbasket of the North.

    Trade & Transport

    Thanks to the work of Varien and the Church of Tarja, the roads of Mariel are wide, straight, and well-kept. Almost all the trade north of the Sea passes through Mariel and much of what happens west and south of it as well thanks to the Grand Desert Underpass


    Thanks to the influence of the Church of Tarja more than half the population is literate. Generally Mariel is the best educated nation in the world. Education is carried out by either priests or shrinekeepers (See Cult of Tarja)


    Not what it once was, but highly organized and well kept, full of roads and bridges that keep the land well connected. Little more is being constructed and many of the cities are experiencing issues with infrastructure, but clever engineering and good bones make it easier to maintain.

    Unity * Peace * Prosperity

    Founding Date
    June 17th, 198 B.V.
    Geopolitical, Kingdom
    Head of State
    Government System
    Monarchy, Constitutional
    Power Structure
    Feudal state
    Economic System
    Mixed economy
    Major Exports
    The main exports of Mariel are artisan-made items. The high level of education and the majority of income coming through trade rather than exports.
    Major Imports
    Mariel's main import is metal as the army goes through more materials than Mariel's already hard-pressed mineral reserves could produce, especially considering that the northern mountains are Dwarven land.
    Legislative Body
    The laws that were originally drafted by Varien are the ones still enforced throughout the land, any necessary laws after that are written by the king, but must be signed by his nobles so that no bad laws or frivolous laws might be passed by a tyrant.
    Judicial Body
    The interpretations of law rest solely on nobles as they administer their counties or baronies. Any law that a citizen does not feel accurate to the law, freely posted in every town square, they may appeal to a higher noble or even the king himself.
    Official State Religion
    Related Ethnicities

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