The Doctrine of True Life Spell in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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The Doctrine of True Life

Let it be known, above all, that the creation of True Life exists far beyond the realm of mortal capabilities. The very fabric of existence, interwoven with ethereal threads of magic and essence, remains veiled in enigmatic mystery. Mortal grasp, however skilled or audacious, falters in the face of unraveling life's elusive essence. It stands eternally beyond mortal reach, enshrouded within the realms of the divine.   The power required to bestow life upon inert matter, to breathe consciousness and sentience into its very being, surpasses mortal bounds. The alchemy of forging a soul, imbuing it with the essence of existence, belongs solely to the divine Creator. Mortal artisans, no matter their aspirations, pale in comparison to the magnificence of this celestial act.   Furthermore, even if a mortal were to tread the treacherous path, the Doctrine resolutely advises against it. Behold, the Council, in their wisdom, proclaims this endeavor a grievous violation of the natural order of existence. The delicate balance between the mortal and the divine, the creator and the creation, must remain undisturbed.   The creation of True Life dares to transgress boundaries, casting aside the wisdom that separates the realms of the mortal and the divine. It wields forces far beyond mortal comprehension, unleashing chaos and ruin upon unsuspecting realms.   Thus, the Doctrine, with utmost gravity, admonishes the learned and the curious to renounce the misguided footsteps of those woeful Exiled mages who seek in vain to pervert the course of truth, beauty, and nature with their explorations and invocations. Their treacherous path, built upon folly and decadence, must not be followed. Let their heretical teachings be condemned, for they defy the sacred natural order and seek to usurp the divine authority that governs creation.


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