Scope of Council Law in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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Scope of Council Law

Conduct and Ethics

  The Council sets forth a code of conduct for all its members. This includes ethical use of magic, behavior towards other members, and interactions with the non-magical world. This code ensures that mages uphold the highest standards and respect the rights and safety of others.

Magical Practice and Research

  The Council regulates the practice of magic within its jurisdiction. This includes laws on the safe and appropriate use of magical powers, approval of new research or magical techniques, and restrictions on dangerous or unethical magical practices.

Inter-Tradition Relations

  The Council is the mediator for disputes and conflicts between different Traditions. It sets rules for how Traditions interact, cooperate, and compete with each other. This includes guidelines on knowledge sharing, resource allocation, and conflict resolution.

Security and Defense

  The Council has laws concerning the defense of the magical community and the broader world from magical and non-magical threats. These laws outline the responsibilities of each member and Tradition in times of crisis and ensure that the community can respond effectively to threats.

Resource Management

  The Council regulates the use and distribution of magical resources. It sets rules for the responsible sourcing, use, and disposal of magical artifacts, substances, and energy.

External Relations

  The Council manages the relationship between the magical community and the non-magical world. It sets policies for how and when to interact with non-magical institutions, rules for maintaining the secrecy of the magical world, and guidelines for intervening in non-magical affairs when necessary.

Discipline and Enforcement

  The Council is responsible for enforcing its laws and handing down penalties for infractions. This includes a system for reporting and investigating breaches of the Vow, a judicial process for determining guilt, and a scale of penalties for different infractions.


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