Naitan Sea Geographic Location in Taeva | World Anvil
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Naitan Sea

The Naitan Sea is a vast stretch of water reaching from the east coast of Imera to the island continent of Xuria, with the island kingdom of Navalonia between them. Once thought to be the edge of the map in the old days, advances in seafaring and shipbuilding have since turned the Naitan Sea into a frequent route for trade and travel between the two continents. Despite this, there's still much of the sea, both on the surface and below, that remains unexplored, which also makes it a popular destination for more adventurous travellers.


Beneath its waves, the floor of the Naitan Sea is a rocky and sandy expanse, with numerous ridges, rises, and kelp forests throughout. Additionally, there are also a number of reefs in the warmer waters around southern Imera.

Natural Resources

Much of the resources harvested from the Naitan Sea comes from its fishing industry, which harvests a number of salt-water fish and crustaceans for use in the food industry. The Naitan Sea is also of interest to the jewellery industry through the harvesting of pearls, which can often be found in the warmer southern waters around southern Imera.


The Naitan Sea is a considered to be the heart of naval travel throughout Taeva, with routes for travel and trade reaching all along the eastern coast of Imera, as well as connecting mainland Imera with the island kingdom of Navalonia, and connecting the continents of Imera and Xuria. Aside from merchants and travellers, the Naitan Sea also attracts a number of of adventurers and treasure hunters, drawn to the area by stories of sunken ships laden with valuables, myths of lost cities, or the glory of slaying a terrible sea beast. Unfortunately, this prosperity has also drawn the attention of some more unscrupulous types, with pirates prowling the more remote parts of the sea.


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