Hisura (often reffered to as "Jade Prowlers") are a species of jungle cat native to southern Xuria. Blending in among the treetops and bamboo of their environment as they stalk their prey, these creatures are regarded as one of the most successful predators on the continent.
Basic Information
The Hisura have a body similar to other large cats, with bits of jade-like carapace mixed in with their fur around their shoulders, hips, shins, forelimbs, back, and face.
Genetics and Reproduction
The Hisura give birth to live young, with cubs taking around 4 months to fully gestate.
Ecology and Habitats
The Hisura are most at home in sub-tropical forests.
Dietary Needs and Habits
The Hisura are carnivorous.
While they can be a threat if cornered, wounded, or otherwise threatened, the Hisura generally avoid the humanoid races, prefering to hide amongst the canopies and foliage of their territories.
Additional Information
Social Structure
Hisura are generally solitary creatures, with the exception of females and their cubs.
Facial characteristics
The Hisura have an angular, jaguar-like face, its angular features further enhanced by the carapace on the bridge of their nose and around their eyes.
Geographic Origin and Distribution
The Hisura are found within the jungles and bamboo forests of southern Xuria.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
The Hisura have a keen sense of sight, smell, and hearing, and can see better in low-light conditions than most other creatures.
18 years
Average Height
Average Length
Average Physique
The Hisura have a compact, well-muscled body.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Hisure have furred pelts and carapaces of jade green, with the carapace always being a darker shade than the fur.