The Deepdelvers are a race of mole-like creatures native to the Dark Hollows, the vast underground cave network located beneath the continents of Imera andVraelia. With their sharp claws and keen sense of direction, many believe these creatures to be responsible for many of the tunnels and passages that exist within the Dark Hollows.
Basic Information
Deepdelvers have a quadrupedal body resembling a cross between a bear and a mole, with forelimbs ending in long, curved claws designed to dig through the earth.
Genetics and Reproduction
Deepdelvers give birth to live young, with cubs generally taking between 7-8 months to fully gestate.
Ecology and Habitats
Due to their sensitivity to bright light (especially sunlight), Deepdelvers are most comfortable in dark environments, especially where they can burrow easily.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Deepdelvers primarily eat insects, fungi, and whatever plant life can be found within the Dark Hollows.
Additional Information
Social Structure
Deep Delvers are generally solitary creatures.
Uses, Products & Exploitation
Among those residents of the Dark Hollows who lack access to iron, the claws of Deepdelvers are often harvested to use in the creation of mining tools.
Facial characteristics
Deepdelvers have a whiskered snout, and small eyes and ears barely visible through their fur.
Geographic Origin and Distribution
Deepdelvers are found throughout the Dark Hollows.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Deepdelvers have very poor eyesight, and are practically blind in daylight. They make up for this through their keen senses of smell and hearing, as well as the whiskers around their nose. Additionally, Deepdelvers are able to sense vibrations in the earth through their paws, which aids in sensing the approach of other creatures.
Average Height
Average Length
Average Physique
Deepdelvers have cylindrical, but powerful, bodies.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Deepdelvers are covered in black/dark brown fur.