Cave Bats Species in Taeva | World Anvil
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Cave Bats

Due to its remote and alien environment, there are few creatures that can call the Dark Hollows home. The Cave Bats are one of the few creatures capable of living in such an environment, with colonies found throughout both the Upper Hollows and the Deep Wilderness, and a few even being domesticated by the local inhabitants.

Basic Information


Like other species of bats, Cave Bats have a furred body, with a pair of five toed claws, a pair of large, leathery wings, and a head with a flat face, dark eyes, and large ears.

Genetics and Reproduction

Cave Bats give birth to live young, with pups taking around 8 months to fully gestate.

Ecology and Habitats

True to their name, Cave Bats are most comfortable in low-light environments, particularly caves and underground areas.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Cave Bats are primarily insectivorous, but have also been observed eating small rodents as well.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Cave Bats live in family groups, and frequently cooperate among one another, most commonly in the form of sharing food and mutual grooming.


Some residents of the Dark Hollows (particularly the Goblins) have domesticated Cave Bats as their equivalent to messenger birds, as well as to keep pests away from their crops.

Facial characteristics

Cave bats have a flat, leaf shaped nose, fangs, black eyes, and large triangular pointed ears.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Cave Bats are found throughout the Dark Hollows, as well as some of the caves closer to the surface.

Average Intelligence

Cave Bats that have been domesticated are intelligent enough to follow simple commands, and all Cave Bats are intelligent enough to cooperate among members of their flocks.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Cave Bats have poor eyesight in bright light, but can see well in the dark, and have very keen hearing. Additionally, Cave Bats make use of echolocation both for navigation, as well as locating prey.
25 years
Average Height
8 Inches
Average Length
21 Inch wingspan
Average Physique
Cave Bats have small bodies relative to their size.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Cave bats have dark or silver-grey fur, with the fur on their front being a lighter shade.
Geographic Distribution


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