Your Brother? to Magdalena Document in Taethir | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Your Brother? to Magdalena

Magdalena,   I met someone curious today. Perhaps you know him and his siblings? He has lost himself and I can't imagine that he has any hope of truly finding himself again without us. Your family, not mine; what would you have me do? He and I are going to continue towards the grotto where the eldritch spirits reside.   Kaide is well and I enjoy her company. We spent a few days working with an accomplished human wizard in a nearby settlement on the magic of will and how to produce a wilful illusion. Nal has suggested that instead of a will I give the creature a dream, which I like. It is so lovely to have a project upon which the fate of my family and Empire do not depend.   To that end - Anna (the human wizard) has been working on magic cylinders with layered circles that connect in three dimensions. The principle seems like it could be extended beyond three dimensions. As I once cautioned Hella, if something seems so obvious that it's strange that no one else has done it yet...check with a wiser wizard. If I stick to my theory and conjecture in the pages of my notebook, will I break anything while working on it?   All my love, Heiassa
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