Letters from Dragonback in Taethir | World Anvil
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Letters from Dragonback

While flying from Dal's encampment to Solace, I send off letters. The following index includes all letters sent beginning from the attack on Amytri up to the time we arrive back in Solace with Torrick in tow.  

Dal (travelling, Southeast of Dreamfall)

  1. Attacked on the Road from Dal
  2. Heiassa: I will come as soon as I can. Attacks have befallen all our centres of power (humans, dwarves, trolls). A coordinated series of attacks means this is something larger - do not let your guard down in areas where infiltrators might wish to take advantage of a distraction.

Caravel (Drognar)

  1. Attack on Drognar from Caravel
  2. Heiassa: Who is this teacher? Inform as you are able. Caravel - these people believe something that we know is not true. Attacks have befallen all our centres of power (humans, dwarves, trolls) so you must assume that aid will not come. A coordinated series of attacks means this is something larger - do not let your guard down in areas where infiltrators might wish to take advantage of a distraction.

Andstella (travelling, North of Dreamfall, now in the Grotto)

  1. Attacked on the Road from Andstella
  2. Heiassa: I have sent for help from Hue but cannot guarantee her arrival. Attacks have befallen all our centres of power (humans, dwarves, trolls). A coordinated series of attacks means this is something larger - do not let your guard down in areas where infiltrators might wish to take advantage of a distraction.

Camellia (Dreamfall)

  1. Attack on Dreamfall from Camellia
  2. Heiassa: Bring your civilians into the Ziggurat and let the Blaze ghosts manage as much as they are able. Bran's travelling party has been attacked to the Southeast and I will collect them. Andstella's party (Haze included) has been downed to the North. If you have any fast-moving healers, send them. Attacks have befallen all our centres of power (humans, dwarves, trolls) so you must assume that aid will not come. A coordinated series of attacks means this is something larger - do not let your guard down in areas where infiltrators might wish to take advantage of a distraction.
  3. Camellia: 150 dwarven wizards attacked Dreamfall wielding fire magic to try and burn down the Grove. The Blaze Ghosts had to move so far from the Ziggurat that they weakened themselves but the attack was neutralized and no trees were lost. The summer fae are still withering but healers are sustaining them. Alder and Dawn have gone to aid Tira.

Yneir (Deldrin, Weaver's Village, Solace)

  1. Friend Indeed from Yneir
  2. Yneir: Drognar will hold. Bring Bran to Solace.

Ipthina (Grotto)

  1. Heiassa: Haze has been brought down North of Dreamfall. He is poisoned. Can Hue bring any aid? Attacks have befallen all our centres of power and we are reeling - I cannot spare Onyx right now. If you know anything of this magic that has befallen the summer fae in Dreamfall please tell me - they are withering barely a week from their time to sleep.
  2. Ipthina: Hue has gone to help Haze. The scroll you've sent is Post-Pruning, to so specifically target a particular season. And it feels compatible with the sort of magic that humans use, thought not entirely human. What remedies do you need from the Grotto to help heal injuries?
  3. Medicine from Ipthina
  4. Thank You to Ipthina

Tira (travelling, North of Dreamfall, now in the Grotto)

  1. Tira: A sheaf of notes on the fragment of scroll sent by Camellia, with suspicions that it is a curse intended to target the trees. She thinks maybe we could treat it with Grove sap to prevent it from spreading to the trees.

Dendra (Solace)

  1. Heiassa: Find me information on the attack in Solace and on my other strongholds as well, as you are able.
  2. Report from Dendra
  3. Drakken to Dendra

Renelli (Celestial Grove)

  1. Heiassa: How are you?
  2. A Strange Dream from Renelli
  3. A Secret to Renelli
  4. Command Me from Renelli
  5. Work to Renelli

Anna (Shaelie)

  1. Heiassa: How are you?
  2. A Girl! from Anna


  1. Heiassa: Beloved, tell me you are safe.
  2. Mystery: I'm fine. I'm annoyed! These people are awfully persistent - do you know them? (Enclosed is a bloody emblem that matches the one from the mage who attacked Lyssa)


  1. Heiassa: How are you?
  2. Gedrin: Heiassa! It's been too long!

Alder (travelling, North of Dreamfall, now in the Grotto)

  1. Heiassa: Can you reach the gate in the Keep or in Deldrin? Do not feel hesitant to say no - this is not a fair thing of me to ask. We are not so cut off from those places that I would ask you to risk yourself.
  2. Seasons Fae from Alder

Magdalena (...wherever the Zephyr went?)

  1. Another Report to Magdalena
  2. Magdalena: I can't come but others can.
  3. Heiassa: Thank you. Everyone is still safe and getting safer. I'm going to kill Amytri's boy and I'm not even going to feel bad about it.

Lyssa (Drognar)

  1. Lyssa: We have arrived and Torrick has things well in hand. Caravel is badly hurt. As soon as we can, Onyx wants to take him North to the Grotto.
  2. Heiassa: No, bring him to me in Solace. Things up North are just settling down.

Dawn (Grotto)

  1. Dawn: I miss you lots! These other fae are annoying. I've managed but I've made promises we will need to deal with later.
  2. Heiassa: Well done! Thank you. Tell me these promises.

Wayin (Grotto)

  1.  For anyone who needs them. Come visit soon! I miss you. (Enclosed are 7 vials of potions for energy, health, protection against toxins and curses)

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