Initial Observations on the Unfreezing Sea from Amytri Document in Taethir | World Anvil
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Initial Observations on the Unfreezing Sea from Amytri

Heiassa,   I'm hoping to pick your brain a bit with a problem we're encountering as we investigate this unfrozen sea. We can't put a boat in the water. Rather, we can, but within a few moments, any moisture in the wood freezes - the sudden expansion wreaks enough structural havoc that leaks occur fast, putting more super cold water in the vessle and leading to more damage. We're a bit stumped - some of our elemental wizards have been attempting to create heat sources within a vessle to counteract the freezing forces but thus far the only thing that's resulted in is a handfull of flaming hulks that freeze as soon as the fire burns out - not helpful.   Separately, we've been building tide tables and coming to understand the effects of tides along the south eastern coast. At low tide, the soil is revealed to be frozen solid and it quickly accumulates a layer of frost from any moisture in the air - the frost is melted(?) back into the sea when the tide comes in, making us wonder if this will lead to a slow increase in volume of if it just offsets natural evaporation to some extent. Either way, we're also noticing that any elemental fire magic is difficult to manifest near the sea - it seems to be less the effect of the body of water itself, rather, the spray and moisture in the air functions as an almost literal wet blanket on fire magic. Conversely, elemental water magic has been amplified in the region, along with wind magics that focus on chilling effects. I wish you were here... stay safe in your journey and I look forward to your apprentices joining our efforts - maybe they'll have some of the keys we need.   Amytri
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