Endless Questions to Magdalena Document in Taethir | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Endless Questions to Magdalena

Magdalena,   Beloved member of my family, it is not a test. It is a recognition that even if the world was falling apart with us as the only ones holding it together I would still thirst for knowledge and something to keep my mind occupied. Don't tell me that the curiosity you've inspired in me is a test of your own patience.   Galfen sounds like a shit. It's not his fault, of course; that's just the way he is. I have thoughts on your Mother that we will pick up at another time. We have enough going on right now.   How long is the Fae of the Black Heart's slumber? Was there any reason for them to have been pruned or just senseless war? So many of the fae I have learned about are people who might have existed peacefully if it weren't for envy and jealousy. Were her fae like that or were they antithetical to the existence of others the way that Galfen's fae were? For now I will try consider Temira to be a distant aunt. Perhaps not friendly but certainly worth appealing to as opposed to railing against. I don't want to distract you from what you're doing but of course I'm anxious to learn more about every facet of our people. Who are the fae who died and never came back? I want to know every cycle that ever was and whether we can restore them. Again, answers for another time.   Your mother took Jaedien to where she herself resides? But here he is sleeping beside me - is he split in some way? Is the person I travel with really Jaedien or just a physical manifestation of some of his songs?   The options you present are good. I was certainly already thinking that I would bring him back to Dreamfall and that he would be safer there than in the Northern Grove. We will spend some time in the grotto while I think and study and then probably return to Dreamfall.   I miss you. Heiassa
Text, Letter


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