17.3 Armed Nation Report in Taethir | World Anvil
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17.3 Armed Nation

General Summary

Days 202-206

We spend a few days in Dreamfall setting up a semi-permanent settlement. Within a few days our young spring and summer friends are able to speak with the Blaze ghosts on their own. Over a few nights of experimenting we find that the ghosts can travel anywhere in the grove in the shadow of night but are limited to the shade of the ziggurat during the day.   Over the course of these days Zemini pesters me with many questions about my own magic and how the grove can respond to me. With the help of some of the Blaze ghosts of various seasons we test the limits of my connection to the grove and find that I can cast winter fae magic of. Curious, since I am autumn.   Kyrien, the winter fae reminds me that winter is not cold and barren to life. It is about resting, gathering close, and keeping one another warm. It is not cruelty in the cold of winter.   On one of our first nights here I slip into the Dreaming to search for Thalien or Dal. I want both of them to see this place and what it has become. Instead I find myself on the side of a basalt mountain with lightning flashing around me. I find Lyssa tired and wilted.   Wrapped in my arms she tells me that she can feel Tira getting closer. I think about how long ago Tira left the Keep and how quickly Haze flies. Have they been waylaid by as many fascinating things as I have? Or is the journey really that far?   The dwarves have stories of the Storm - an unstoppable force of destruction that will end them...or a hero who chains lightning and will save them all. Lyssa wistfully reminds us that Thalien always said prophecy is never a good thing.   More recently Lyssa says they have been beset by outriders. Flocks of dragon-like creatures that rain down hail and lightning, blocking out the sun. My heart aches that I can’t be there with her but I can hear my own teachings in her words as she tells me about how she’s working with the dwarves and how she tries to lead. Their people throw away their lives in heroism when they need to run and stay safe instead. Leading is a puzzle that I know she can figure out, but I think what she needs now is my arms around her and my hands in her hair, not my advice.  

Day 207

In the morning I entrust a small carved bird to Amelie and one to Zemini. In my own letter box I add their mates to the carved pigeon from Amytri. His instructions allowed me the freedom to select my own letter carrier. I chose a starling. The carved likeness has none of the dark iridescent plumage but I can imagine them bursting forth from the letter box together in a swirling boisterous mass.   Amidst our goodbyes I see Miriam’s fae friend promise to come find her again when she wakes.   As we ride off I fall in beside Alder. We share a brief reminiscence of home and laugh at how his sister and Zemini would get along. He misses his family. I hope someone back home has thought to contact them and there might be a letter waiting for him when we get back.  

Day 208

Midday we come across a rough road made by the natural passage of many travellers. Following it, we come to a large sentry station barring our passage.   We are greeted by dwarves (not trolls), one of whom welcomes us to the Armed Nation of Drognar. He tells us he’s seen 6-7 score of elves pass through here and shows me a book of names and a board in the sentry house full of names and messages. None of them are familiar to me except for one that jumps out: Spindle, an incredibly accomplished bladesmith. He lives here.   I leave a very clear message on the board with my full name and directions to any safe location I know of. It’s a reassuringly long list, writing it all out.   The sentry dwarf instructs us in some of the rules of the Armed Nation and notes that many people here are seeking refuge for something else - elves and dwarves alike.
  1. Everyone here is responsible for themself
  2. All are free
  3. No violence with weapons or magic is permitted
  4. Arguments may be settled with fists
  5. Trade is welcome, mostly by barter
  6. Help can be found from any building with the mark of a shovel
  7. We can stay here for 10 days but any more and we must pay an entrance fee
  He also advises us to speak with Torrick at the keep if we want to learn more about the Armed Nation.   As we come into the city I recognize it as stout and defensible. It’s a well-built and well-named place, evidently. Everyone in the streets is armed in some way. The people themselves are more diverse than anywhere we’ve been - fae, trolls, dwarves, even Tuskans.   We head straight to the keep and are stopped by an enormous troll. They slowly inform us that we need a place to stay and that we will be contacted about a dinner appointment later. To me especially they ask if I am searching for anyone. They embrace me in a strangely gentle hug when I tell them that all my family is safe and known.   Finally we retire for the evening in a comfortable inn, revelling in the warmth and safety.    

Day 209

    In the morning I take Bran and Dawn searching for Spindle. We find his shop in a district full of refined craftswork, and the shop itself looks elvish. It is full to the brim with potted plants and I can hear a fountain somewhere. Candles cast beautiful flickering shadows around the interior, mingling with the leaves.   When Spindle emerges I see that his right arm is entirely made of an intricate magical prosthetic. The metal is nearly alive and it’s masterful work. He kneels when he sees me and I unsuccessfully brush aside the formality. It’s Alder who steps forward and embraces him.   He gives us his story:
  • He moved to the Frontier to work with new materials
  • The Collective found him. They had been searching for him.
  • They killed everyone in his town but him.
  • He cut off his own arm to escape the Collective.
  • He fled into the mountains, lost and delirious.
  • Woke up on this side, 10 days away from the Armed Nation.
  • He was found by a troll named Brook.
  He has been here ever since, working and learning from the dwarves. He tells me that he’ll gather all the other elves in this place to have a gathering in 3-4 days. In the meantime I leave him with Bran and Dawn to talk about sword things.
Morning Glory
Report Date
16 Apr 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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