Clan Gangrel Organization in Tacoma by Night | World Anvil
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Clan Gangrel

"Nature made me a freak. Man made me a weapon. And God made it last too long."
  One of the founding clans of the Camarilla, yet an oft-derided one with more uncertain origins compared to their kindred cousins, the nomadic Gangrel live naturalistic lives dependant on not just physical prowess, but survival ability as well. Their behaviors bring them close to the werewolves that are so intensely deadly to Kindred, but make no mistake about their true natures. No matter how noble a beast a Gangrel tries to be, they are still the vampiric beasts that all Kindred are, with all the intensity and destruction that brings. That same destruction gives the Gangrel their most uniform duty within the sects, although they often strike their own path outside of them. They are brutal warriors and defenders, not caring for social presentation, and in some cases being unable to act as anything other than the feral monster that is within them.   In their nights as ravenous, wandering beasts, the Gangrel have honed their inherent Kindred powers
  • Animalism - The power to control and communicate with animals, along with some abilities that rely on the bestial nature found in all Kindred. As the Gangrel lean towards their own animal tendencies, they establish themselves as the top of the food chain, and a dangerous predator in whatever environment they find themselves in. There are even plenty who would, unfortunately, and unscientifically, assign themselves as an "Alpha".
  • Fortitude - The supernatural ability to increase the body and mind's resistance. It is important to remember that the most natural concept, Survival of the Fittest, isn't about pure physical strength and intimidation factor. It requires more attention to the first half of that sentiment, Survival. The Gangrel pride themselves on survival, and can even share their fortitude with their bonded beasts.
  • Protean - The ability to shape the flesh in various ways. While the Gangrel do not (commonly) apply the transformative arts of the Tzimisce, they learn to change themselves, giving their body all the weapons they need to fight, turning fully into animals themselves, or even kneading their very selves into the soil of the earth. It is an intensely supernatural ability, and a very powerful one as well.


Being the wandering type, or at the very least the anti-social type, Gangrel don't have a lot of typical organizational ranks among them. It really comes down to an ephemeral, shifting sense of superior status. This can be done one of two ways, through Combat or Boasting.   For Combat, it's pretty straightforward, two Gangrel go at it with no weapons and no interference, and whoever lasts wins. Among friends, that'll be more of a sparring occasion, but among anyone else, it's until they give in. Boasting isn't dissimilar, only instead of combat, it's an ever-increasingly grand achievement, a social poker match. Each side keeps raising the stakes until their opponent is either frightened off or asks for proof of their accomplishment. If proof isn't shown, then they lose both the match and the status that comes with it.   While this isn't a concrete organization tactic, Gangrel often meet in groupings called Gathers that're called by groups of Gangrel in a local area. When the gathering begins, either of the two above methods will be used to establish the current hierarchy, and then they'll get down to business. Most Gathers tend to last about a week at maximum, typically going for a handful of days at most depending on the group size.   For Tacoma, and Seattle for that matter, nothing's been too different, especially since the various bits of nature give the Gangrel plenty of space to travel and hide out in the state. While they participated for the Camarilla and Anarchs at their leisure, they mainly kept to the wilderness of the state, when the Werewolves weren't around, of course. However even before the Sabbat invaded, the threats to the Gangrel were prevalent. Werewolf numbers kept increasing in the same outskirts they traveled, and Hunters became prevalent as well. This was a pincer threat for them, as while there was animosity across all supernaturals of the night, Kindred are high up on both of their shit lists.


General Culture

The culture of the Gangrel is one of natural survivalism. Reclusive, animalistic, and wary of not only the establishment and developments of the urban sprawl but the entire nonsensical politics of the Masquerade as a whole, not that they don't follow it for their own survival. Instead, most Gangrel stay away from society as a whole, often allying themselves with travelers, wanderers, naturalists, and their own clanmates rather than any strict structure entrenched in large, public dealings.   This allyship also extends to Kine groups they're particularly fond of. For example, in America and Canada, you'll find many Gangrel within and protective of Native American reservations, or in Europe you'll find many keeping an eye on the Romani people in the same vein.   This also leads many Gangrel to be fiercely territorial and aggressive towards their own strength and superiority, in a very stereotypically bestial way. While they're often counted on to be powerful warriors and defenders of both wild parts of the world as well as the uninhabited outskirts of a larger domain, they'll often need some heavy convincing to actually weigh in for that purpose and don't even think about disrespecting them or trying to muscle in.   Despite this secluded and natural life, many Gangrel, especially the recently-turned, are knowledgeable enough about modern technology. In this day and age, it's an important skill for survival after all.
Honor and Truth
Much like many wandering demographics, the Gangrel often share their own personal stories as well as stories of Kindred history via oral storytelling. While most of the history they posit contains details of the far past that the Camarilla would heartily deny, it is not the Gangrel way to lie. Bend the truth, exaggerate a bit (especially for the purpose of personal glory), sure. But hardly ever lying.   It is that same attitude toward the truth that gives the Gangrel a strong ideal of keeping their word. If a promise is made by a Gangrel of any respect or renown, then you better believe that they'll keep it, often to the exact letter. Similarly, if you make a promise of any variety to a Gangrel, you're expected to show the same. Whether or not they actually believe you will is entirely up to your personal character, but if you double-cross or backstab them, you better have a will prepared.   Some more socially oriented Gangrel have a habit of weaving their words in a more deft fashion, especially to keep up with the Ventrue-level shenanigans that the Camarilla gets up to, but at the end of the day, most Gangrel exaggeration goes to create strong, entertaining stories at the Gathers.
Embraces and Fledglings 
Gangrel sires like to choose their targets based on three main facets, with one going largely out of fashion. The first is Survival, either observing someone who puts in effort and skill to survive harsh circumstances, or someone who against all odds tries to actually fight off their prospective sire while they're trying to feed. Many Gangrel who were given the blood started as resistant meals.   The second is Courage. While most Kindred, even among the clan, would find a persistent Kine stepping where they don't belong incredibly annoying at best, and a potential masquerade breach at worst. But, for a mere mortal to step into the dangerous, dark places of the wilderness, the abandoned outskirts, or even the forbidden part of the city, many Gangrel see that as a quality. To struggle, survive, and accrue real glory and status, you need to have the bravery to push beyond your limits.   The third isn't dissimilar to the Nosferatu, in that it is a Punishment. If a Gangrel is heavily insulted, or Caine forbids, injured by a mortal, they've put a massive target on their back. While this practice is largely out of vogue, in the past, it wasn't uncommon. However, embraces like these weren't meant to last. They were meant to rampage and either be killed or burn out in the sunlight. But, the tenacious few were able to survive and claw their way out of madness into their new existence. These Gangrel are often the deadliest, as they have a key fuel in their push for survival: Revenge.   Even with the two more common aspects, however, the first step in a gangrel's unlife is to be left alone to survive. This way the sire will know if they're worth the effort, as well as forcing the new Kindred to quickly learn about their new situation and abilities. For many, this also teaches the importance of quick thinking, as a wasted second could be the difference between life and death. Different sires have different standards, but the most common measurement is for a Gangrel to have lasted one winter on their own before the Sire will reappear and decide they're worth teaching. However, it isn't uncommon for wandering Gangrel to stumble upon a new member of their clan, unaware of the circumstances they find themselves in. In these rare cases, the wanderer will often do their part to help the younger one adjust, at least giving them some degree of knowledge, before leaving them, just that little bit wiser.

Tacoma Gangrel Culture

Washington State as a whole has always been a hotbed for Gangrels. Between the wide expanses of rural farmland in the eastern half of the state to the lush, thick natural forests in the west, it's the perfect place for an animal to escape. Unfortunately, Werewolves are animals too, and the two groups have always butted heads. Most Gangrel preferred the eastern half of the state, but a decent amount remained in the West, remaining in the green outskirts past the coast, the largest groups being in the Mount Rainer National Park or the Olympic National Park and Forest.   For the city-oriented Gangrel, Tacoma has always been preferable to Seattle, as it was close to thick nature in the south as well as having large enough natural parks within the city limits to properly hide when other locations weren't available. But, they weren't a vocal majority for much of the city's kindred history.   Culturally not much is different for Gangrel in the state compared to elsewhere, save for the fact that they prefer the cool temperate forests of the region, are often concerned with conservation as well as scavenging in the area, and their particular protectiveness over the local Native American tribes in the region. Many wild Gangrel focus on defending the Nisqually people more towards Olympia, while a lot of the Tacoma native city-oriented Gangrel look to the Puyallup tribe lands, which are more integrated with the urban sprawls of Pierce County.   Modern Gangrel in the area have slowly been peeling off their individualist tendencies. With Garou, Hunters, and the Inquisition on the rise, survival means togetherness and union, to some degree at least, and the Gangrel will always adapt to survive.   Following the Sabbat invasion, more Gangrel have come to Tacoma, or at least the less populated areas around Tacoma, in its more welcoming Anarch government, as well as the increase of Werewolves and Hunters pushing them further away from their preferred areas. In this increase, a few social demarcations and attitudes have popped up among the Gangrel around the city. Although you'll hardly ever hear a Gangrel self-identify with either label.
  • Domestics are Gangrel who are permanently within or around the city. These are the most common Kindred within Tacoma, mostly setting up where people aren't going to bother them, or where there's a bit of comforting nature nearby. These Gangrel are also often more on the beat with modernity, and less like the typical Gangrel.
  • Guard Dogs are socially active Gangrel. Local or not, they fight for the underdog, the oppressed, and the socially outcast. They'll also be on the front lines against those who would spoil the nature they call home, the nature that suits their survival the most.
  • Vagrants are wandering Gangrel. They could wander just throughout the county, the state, or the entire country. It'd be a stretch to call these 'Tacoma' Gangrel, but either they call the city home or they're within the city for a decent enough time to a) make a mark and b) leave the tales of their journey with them.
  • Grit Rats are the Gangrel that remain socially hidden. They can be within the city or without, but they keep in the shadows, the alleys, the sewers, away from the lights and eyes of reality. They'll often still give a hand if you've earned it, or if you're going their way, but they aren't going to be the out-and-proud action-oriented members of their kind.
You might notice these four designations could feasibly exist on an axis, Domestic <-> Vagrant and Guard Dog <-> Grit Rat, and that's entirely true, but these are not self-designations. They are what people outside of the Gangrel see them as, so their most visible demarcation is how they'll largely be considered.   That isn't to say none of the Tacoma Gangrel use these markers, but they'll mostly use it to either group up like-minded peers or to smack talk someone else.


Origins (or lack thereof)

Many Kindred Clans claim some origin to Cain and the first city of Enoch, either out of reverence or because the Book of Nod is one of the only collected sources to draw from. The Gangrel, however, are not one of those clans, as even among the fog of ages, their origins are almost hilariously muddled and chaotic. Some recited tales speak of Cain like the rest of Kindred-kind, and the Antediluvian known as Ennoia. Some tell of Odin, some tell of ancient betrayals, some tell of the Romani, and some tell of origins entirely separate.   In essence, no one is 100% sure about where the Gangrel started. Even though they suffer, survive, and struggle against the same things as every other Kindred among the night, the path of their history is lost. Or perhaps it is one that, much like the clan, has merely traveled, and did not sit down and permeate in one specific area. As the Roman Empire rose to prominence, the Gangrel mostly kept to the outskirts aside from rare circumstances.

The Decline of the Wild

As Kindred society took off and developed, the Gangrel were always just sort of...there. Not deeply entrenched in their machinations or structures, but enough of a presence outside of them to be notable. In the Dark Ages, they were considered one of the Low Clans by a majority of Kindred Society. Nonetheless, they concerned themselves mostly with expansion and exploration. Pagan traditions were dying out more and more, as was their ability to blend into any kind of human society. So, the Gangrel spread across the globe, starting a large variety of cultural divisions and bloodlines, some of which persist to this day.   While the clan was included in the creation of the Camarilla, the Renaissance that followed created larger urban sprawl and fewer forests across their lands, leading the Gangrel to have increased struggles remaining even partially close to society without butting against humans or Werewolves, their "fellow" animalistic wanderers. Many Gangrel left the official procedures of the Camarilla to become independents, in order to survive where they could.   As time marched forward into the Victorian Age and the Industrial Revolution, more and more Gangrel were pushed out of the growing cities, finding the growth of Catholicism and its spawn increasingly irritating as well, fearing another influx of Inquisitional methods. However, the strength of the wild is one of Adaption, and many Gangrel began to adapt to the back alleys and dark outskirts of cities, as well as using their penchant for bluntness and word-weaving to engage socially. It was this era that gave rise to one of the most notable Gangrel among all Kindred, the wandering scholar Beckett.

Modern Situation

In the modern night, this is largely still the status quo, with the uptick in deforestation and urbanization only heightening the amount of city Gangrel and the number of risks in the outside world. After the Sabbat was repelled in New York before the turn of the century, the Gangrel Justicar left the Camarilla fully, and in the wake of such an influential member, many others began to peel off as well. While not as total as the Brujah's departure, it's still a blow felt in the tower.   In Washington, the Gangrel have always been entrenched in the forests and far fields, but this is not the best time for them. Garou are only becoming more and more common, as are Hunters who will more often ally with the werewolves than the vampires. That isn't even to mention the more intense presence of the Second Inquisition and the increased corporate damage to local wildlife.   In Seattle and Tacoma, they've always been a minority. There are lots of patches of forest to "go missing" if you tried to involve a Gangrel where they didn't want to be involved, and they honestly weren't too missed by the prissy nobility of Seattle or the nobodies in Tacoma. While the rising of the Anarchs after the 60s did pique their attention, most of them still didn't want to bother with the nonsense fermenting there. The stalemate following the 90s would prove them right.   When the Sabbat invaded the city, the Gangrel were largely unaffected, although many of the city-oriented Gangrel were lost in the conflicts. However, the Gangrel of the outlying areas did help in a notable way. First, their mere existence and tense alliance with the local Puyallup and Nisqually reservations meant that the supernaturally inclined people in the reservations had a more neutral outlook on the Kindred, and gave them a hand in evading the Sabbat and licking their wounds, provided that they didn't act up.   Second, it was observing the Kindred of Tacoma, largely the Anarchs that had nothing to flee to, or the Camarilla that had been cast out, and their earnest attempts at survival that inspired a lot of Gangrel to think to give them their aid. When Fiore Choi-Yun and his coterie went to speak with the Gangrel, they were already well aware of their efforts. For the first time in Washington, a Great Gather was called, and the united forces of the Gangrel aided in driving the Sabbat back. For many, it was their first time fighting alongside Werewolves and other Kindred outside their clan, rather than against.   That being said, once the dust had settled, and petty politics began once more, many of that force left back for their secluded pieces of nature and wild, but a decent amount stuck around, either in the direct outskirts or becoming involved in the city in earnest.   In this time where former boundaries and societal perspectives are changing, the Gangrel might just be the litmus test and bridge for not only the changes in Tacoma, but their longevity, as the masters of survival on the outside looking in will be the judge for if inside is safer than out.


While plenty of wild, rural spaces are under the claim of a Gangrel, very few are willing to entrench them in political machinations enough to hold official princely designations, especially since most of the Gangrel left the official arms of the Camarilla. The one exception is Lettow Kaminsky, the Prince of Tuscon, Arizona.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Clan
Alternative Names
Clan of the Beast, Animals, Outlanders
Ruling Organization
Related Species


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