The Watch of the Eternal Flame Organization in T'sara | World Anvil

The Watch of the Eternal Flame

The zealous followers of Mastro, the Eternal Flame; God of the Sun and Justice, The Watch in some ways resembles a military or mercenary organization more than a traditional church. Their unflinching interpretation of the rules and constant pursuit of those they see as perpetrators of evil have made them appear extreme at times.


The Watch can be broadly categorized in two groupings; the Paladins, Clerics, and devout footsoldiers in active positions in the fight against evil and injustice, and the various devotee who provide support to them. Simply providing financial support is insufficient, every person is expected to provide themselves in some fashion, whether it's basic tasks like cooking and cleaning, or teaching and forging equipment for the new initiates. Those who would seek to lead congregations of followers are all expected to have proven themselves as being worthy of the cause, meaning having served in this first category in some way. As a result, those moving into higher positions are expected not only to be knowledgeable and devout followers to the edicts of the Watch, but to be tactical military leaders. The Pontiff, the holy leader of the entire Watch, could contend with the general of any nations standing army.


Mastro, The Eternal Flame does not only require his followers to be moral individuals and understand the difference between good and evil, they must choose to take an active stand against it. While it has been argued through all of time how evil can be prevented, much of the Watch is focused on how evil can be defeated.
Despite their zealous pursuit of wrong-doers, they do not believe that sentient beings are inherently good or inherently evil; celestial and demonic beings notwithstanding. Mortal beings are products of their environment and must be judged as good or evil by their choices and their actions.

Public Agenda

The Watch of the Eternal Flame seeks to eradicate the mortal world of evil doers and right injustices done against the innocent and falsely accused. Their rejection of sovereign territories and laws of individual laws has made them controversial, as there is no part of the world where their divinely inspired code matches perfectly with the laws of that country.


The Watch of the Eternal Flame goes as far back as the Second Age, although Mastro had been worshipped by other faiths for some time before. It was common for magistrates and others charged with keeping the peace to wear pendants of Mastro, as a plea for his blessing as well as indication of the sincerity of their cause to Justice. Informal associations of like-minded individuals slowly coalesced into meetings to help each other in a shared mission. With each passing year, the meetings became increasingly religious in their tone and message, until the Watch had formally been created. The first Paladin of the Eternal Flame became The Watch's first Pontiff and holy leader; a dwarf by the name of Drangal. He lead the nascent religion until his untimely death in battle. As with any new organization, it was a struggle to see if would survive beyond it's first leader, and it nearly didn't. Corruption and a misplaced relationship with another woman lead it's first female Pontiff to almost lead the Watch to self-destruction. After the Watch reorganized and found a renewed sense of discipline, it would be challenged again, in a threat it could not handle on its own. The forces of evil and darkness allied with each other in an attempt to conquer T'sara once and for all. The Watch was the first to catch wind of this plot, and stood as the vanguard against the Dark Pact. The conflict would last for multiple generations, and change the very face of the world, with final victory heralding the Beginning of the Third Age. Current understanding of history common grants the credit of winning the war to the man who would later become The Immortal Emperor. What most don't realize or remember was that the Emperor, before becoming a God among Men, was once part of the Watch, before his excommunication.
As a result, The Watch is seen as a quirky and overbearing religious novelty, and not the force that has stood at the breach of the abyss to keep the world safe and maintain law and order.


The Watch does not hold territory, nor does it seek to do so. Rather, there is a matter of where their pressence is encouraged, merely accepted, gently discouraged, or outprohibited.   Many authoritarian and brutal states explicitly prohibit the presense of The Watch or its members in their lands, or even worship of Mastro; as their actions as are almost universally against Mastro's code of laws and subvert their complete control and power.
The Intransican Empire allows reverence to Mastro and membership in The Watch, but a hard line is drawn regarding members of government, who must be handled through Imperial Justice. Paladins of The Eternal Flame frequently ignore such commandments, leading to an increased strain.

Foreign Relations

Mastro is not a jealous or exclusionary God. Followers are allowed to worship other gods, and as a consequence the Watch does not seek out of blasphemy or other forms of persecution, which contributes to their acceptance through large parts of the world. The only exception being to where the Gods behavior dogma explicitly violates or contradicts the rules of the God of Justice, such as demonic cults or worship of the God of Thieves.


Codex Corona is the book of justice from The Eternal Flame, understood from Mastro himself or dogma from the Pontiffs who have lead them. The Codex has rules for all aspects of life, and dilineats between expectations and laws for all, and those that solely apply to worshipers.



Among the rules that apply to The Watch specifically, are laws regarding sexuality and love. The Codex Corona does not explicitly forbid romantic relationships for anyone, so long as they do not prove to be a distraction to their holy mission. One of the first Pontiffs was a human woman who had a passionate love for another woman, whom she had personally converted to the faith. She was unfortunatly inept and corrupt, and nearly led to the Watch's self destruction. After her banishment, rules were put in place to ban relationships beyond a heterosexual nature


All priests who lead congregations in the churches are former clerics or paladins who have proven themselves in the fight against evil and injustice. This is necessary, as in an emergency or an ordered Crusade, all followers could be mobilized to the cause, and the leaders of the congregations must be able to lead on the battlefield as well. Priests and higher ranked members of the watch are recognized verbally with a respective title, and also have decorative armor or cloths to immediately show their position.

Granted Divine Powers

Paladins of The Eternal Flame are able to conjure weapons of pure flame. In times of extreme faith and need, the devout has been able to Lay on Hands, and save the mortally wounded or ill from the clutches of death. There are legends within the group of prophets or crusaders being consumed by the holy spirit of Mastro himself, becoming a literal being of his fire and fury.
Founding Date
The Second Age
Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
The Watch
Government System
Because the Watch does not recognize boundaries of sovereign nations, they do not hold territory or control societies in the traditional sense, nor do they seek to. Their Churches, often resembling military bases or mercenary camps, are spread throughout Linthalia. The Palace of The Dawn, the Watches origin and current headquarters, lies central in T'sara within a metropolitan and multip-species country.
As a transnational organization, the Watch does not have a standardized currency. Members use whatever coinage or currency is appropriate in the area they reside. Watch Members from different parts of the world make complicated trade and conversions when conducting business with each other. Despite the Intransican Empire's reluctant view of The Watch, their currency is frequently an unofficial standard, even outside of Imperial lands, for it's recognized value.
Notable Members

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