Incorporeal - Book Excerpt - Syshir Siblings #6 in Syshir | World Anvil
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Incorporeal - Book Excerpt - Syshir Siblings #6

Oren scowled through the veil of his shadows at Daein and Silsa. They couldn't just leave him be, they had to keep testing and pushing against his control. The problem was, he was holding onto it by a thread.   Oren's magic had always been unpredictable. Since he and Leanter had begun to show signs of their affinities over a decade ago, Oren had begrudged his twin's easy relationship with the aether. Nature wanted to answer Lee's call. Wanted to do his bidding. It bloomed at the sight of him, withered at his twin's command. Oren's shadows had never done so for him.   So, Lee had quietly set some boundaries for Oren's other siblings. Not because Oren didn't want them, but because he would have rather died than ask any of them to leave him be because he was afraid the shadows would consume them, like they had consumed Vesenina, if they pushed him too far.   The Archivist and her Companion, however, refused to do as they were asked. They didn't leave him be. Didn't allow him the space or time to control his shadows. So here he was, stuck just beyond his corporeal form, scowling at them. He knew he'd be able to get himself back this time, once his heart rate slowed down, once the two of them were beyond his line of sight and he could wrestle back control of the aether in his veins.   Daein scowled at the space where Oren had been, throwing her hands up in the air and storming off down the corridor. The Companion flared hot in a way that Oren knew would burn him if he kept allowing her to call his shadows to the surface. Although she wouldn't be calling the aether to do so, Daein was entirely mundane.   Silsa, on the other hand, stared where he had been with big eyes, worrying her lip between her teeth. Foolishly, because Oren knew it would be harder to dismiss the shadow if he thought it, Oren wondered how those now slightly-swollen lips might taste, how they might feel. Would she break the skin? If she was concerned enough? If he kissed her, would she taste like the iron tang of blood?   Cursing, Oren turned away from the Shiften, stepping with the shadows that stayed wrapped around him. It would be some time before he could banish them, returning him back to solid ground.
Character/s: Oren Silsa 

Related article/s: Companion Shiften

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