The Last Serai Settlement in Syntravo | World Anvil

The Last Serai

Three days out, you sight it. A metallic stepped tower, glinting in the daylight, glowing a ghostly, coppery green by night. Two days out, you smell it. Soft and seductive like cocoa. A day out, you hear it. Drumming out a rhythmless, rumbling staccato.   Closing in on the tower you see three buildings, like hunched old men, clustered in the lee of a cinder dune. Around the tower a circle of gentle dust floats in a massive static charge. Nothing living grows within that circle. There the Last Serai’s grand old harmonic rods draw energy from that magical field, powering the great hold of the Porcelain Princes while selling the excess to the last trading house of the Violet City and the final embassy of the Spectrum Satraps.

Travel Options:

  • West, Way Stone (trail, 1 week): between sudden static storms the sky clears, sighting a clear line to the Way Stone, a crumbling green obelisk visible for a hundred miles.
  • North-West, Death-Facing Passage (canyons, 2 weeks): rough crags, cinder dunes, and the constant glare of the Face of Death at your back. Leads beyond to the Grass Colossus.
  • North-East, Porcelain Citadel (trail, 1 week): back towards settled lands, the patrolled paths of the Princes.
  • East, Potsherd Crater (steppe, 2 weeks): the scrub barely covers pallid soil and porcelain ruins.
€4/week for slaves
€100/week for respectable rooms
Purple Haze
Dark clouds build and cover the sky, threatening storms and worse.
Trade post


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