Se01Ep07 - Glass House of a Dead Prince p2 Report in Syntravo | World Anvil

Se01Ep07 - Glass House of a Dead Prince p2

General Summary



What’s something you’re naturally good at?
What’s something you had to work hard to be good at?

  MacNeil has always been good at sneaking. As an assassin, he has had to rely on his stealthiness on many occasions and this rarely let's him down. However, sometimes when he's caught in the act, he has tried to play off the intent, as if to gaslight his opponent, and this is something he's really had to work at in order to pull off without suspicion. When it works, it's great, but even when it's bad, there's still been the possibility to pull off a distraction at least.   Orks are a biological construct, programmed with skills, knowledge and social structures into their DNA to make them the ultimate killing machines. So the question of what Zoegar is naturally good at is a head-scratcher . Do genetic memory of a skill count as natural? But Zoegar is impressed with the negotiating skills. Orks know spoken language to interact (mostly in taunts) with other species, so being a “Talka” is a skill only rarely seen in Orks.   For Susan, she was naturally gifted with her mechanical skills, able to put things back together like the home fridge or microwave ever since she was able to hold tools properly. What came harder for her was learning her hacking skills. Parts that you can hold in your hand are one thing, but stuff held out of reach behind a screen really challenged her to wrap her head around to have any level of success at it. But it was a necessary skill to clean her tracks digitally and get her in near her targets.  


The party invade a home of a prince who commited suicide.  

Rewards Granted

clothes 2 sacks 1000
safe 2 sacks
magical cooking appliances 3 sacks 2000
1 XP


Ruling on Terminal Reflection: The psychic’s Oracle power automatically triggers as an Instant action moments before some unexpected danger or ambush, giving the precog a brief vision of the impending hazard. This warning comes just in time to avoid springing a trap or to negate combat surprise for the precog and their companions. If the psychic does not immediately Commit Effort for the day, this sense goes numb and this technique cannot be used for the rest of the day.
June 13, 194 LNY
Report Date
14 Jul 2022
Characters Present


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