Lyndis Zelandrosel Character in Syndeomai | World Anvil
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Lyndis Zelandrosel

Lyndis Zelandrosel is one of the most powerful known mages in the Kingdom of Vern--and possibly in the world.   Not much is known about Lyndis's life before the Iris Rebellion. It is known that Lyndis preferred to spend her time on personal projects, away from the supervision of the Spellweavers' Circle, but the nature of these projects is unknown. Based on the impressive collection of magical items that she keeps in her office--protected by powerful incantations--some speculate that she was an adventurer or a craftswomen. Lyndis has not confirmed nor denied any of these theories, keeping the details of her personal life before public service entirely to herself.   It is also known that her sudden appearance during the Iris Rebellion is one of the key factors of the success of the rebels. Acting as a secret weapon, her timely arrival to the battle of Vern countered the magical resources garnered by the Spellweavers' Circle, which had sworn fealty to the Old Aberator Dynasty. Her duel against Thadrys Penumbrel marked the culmination of the conflict, and her defeat of the mad archmage all but guaranteed Cornelius Aberator the throne.


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