Shrine of the Setting Sun in Symbaroum | World Anvil
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Shrine of the Setting Sun

It was Ambrian explorers who first detected the sun-like symbols on Karvosti’s old temple ruin. The rumor traveled with them back to Yndaros and before long the Curia sent an expedition to the plateau, composed of theurgs and missionaries tasked to study the symbols more closely.
After thorough examinations and numerous debates the verdict came: The Ruin on Karvosti was indeed the oldest known temple erected in honor of Prios. It was decided that the heretical barbarians must be driven from the cliff, and a host of one hundred Templars embarked on a Sun March to accomplish the task.
It did not turn out as planned: the Guard of the Slumbering Wrath put up a good fight and Commander Iakobo Vearra found it best to seek a peaceful solution, with the aid of Queen Korinthia. It is whispered that the First Father and the other members of the Curia would have preferred to deal with the situation more forcefully, but whatever the truth may be the commander’s initiative led to the Church being granted free passage to the holy ground surrounding The Ruin. Two years ago the relatively small but beautiful temple was finished, with the entrance pointing towards the setting sun in the west. A dozen friars and twice as many Templars live on site, and the shrine is visited by pilgrims and explorers on a daily basis.
Aside from the head of the temple, Piromei, and his subordinate, the liturg Aranitra, the individuals come and go. The temple on Karvosti acts as a base for persons involved in the demanding and hazardous restoration of an even older ruin that has been discovered three days’ march east of the plateau.   Mass at The Sun Temple
Many Ambrians on Karvosti spend a lot of time in or around The Sun Temple, seeking solace and tranquility. The temple’s Light Yard has only enough room for about twenty people, but the theurg Piromei, the liturg Aranitra, and their three initiates make time for those gathered outside as well.
Every evening at sundown, people attend mass at the sun temple. It is usually Aranitra who delivers the sermon, preaching harshly about Man’s duty to the Church’s dying god. Sometimes, Piromei will take the podium. To the anguish of wrathguards and visiting barbarians, he raises his high-pitched voice and lets his hateful rhetoric echo over the plateau, reaching its crescendo as the sun sets on the horizon.
His closing remark is always the same: “Grant us strength, O Prios, Father of our Laws; cleanse us so that we may reflect your light in all its glory; flog the soot off our souls, carve the rot from our skins; for our torment is just and can never be too great, if only it may save the One!”
Father Piromei

It could be argued that Father Piromei Lethona, theurg and inquisitor, is unfit to be head of Karvosti’s sun temple.
His fanaticism and immense love for Prios is certainly an asset in many respects, but the very same traits often have a way of exacerbating tensions between the church and other authorities on Karvosti.
Moreover, his unpleasant appearance is repellant enough to make both Ambrians and barbarians recoil whenever he comes near – he is tall as an ogre, with the jaw of a troll, hair as white and wild as his beard, and small, deep-set, pitch-black eyes.
Generally speaking, radical tendencies have a way of mellowing with time, but if it is true what they say about Father Piromei, this does not apply to him.
His views have only grown more extreme, and he does not refrain from weaving provocative insinuations into his fiery sermons – insinuations about The Witches being in league with the evils of Davokar and the barbarians carrying a latent darkness inside; one that will surely bloom if not properly subdued by whip and cane.

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