Prios Organization in Symbaroum | World Anvil
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Symbol: Sun or a bundle of sun rays
Name variations: The names Lifegiver and Sol/ Sola are often used by those who still worship the older version of Prios.
Domain: The spark of life, the hearthfire, and universal love
Practice: People worship the Lifegiver in the hope of increased fertility (both in humans and livestock), answered love, and relief from spiritual and physical ailments. To this day, many believe sunshine to be the best cure for all sorts of maladies. The Lifegiver is also regarded as a just defender of the sanctity of life, often worshipped by poor people praying for their daily bread and improved health.
Present-day worship: Father Sarvola at Thistle Hold is obviously the Lifegiver’s most famous representative in contemporary Ambria, but his revived doctrine has spread to other parts of the kingdom as well, and gained ground within the Sun Church itself. Even Queen Korinthia has secret plans to renounce the Lawgiver in favor of the Lifegiver – if only to get rid of the ambitious First Father Jeseebegai.
It should also be mentioned that Duke Ynedar of New Beretor is groning increasingly convinced that “the Prios of War” no longer has a place in the Ambrian realm; the Exaltation was a necessary evil during the war, but the time has come for the Sun to once again shine upon all its children.
Religious, Cult

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