The Honey Rite Tradition / Ritual in Syann the world upon a Cosmic Beast | World Anvil
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The Honey Rite

The Jarl has gathered his huskarl guard and other bondsmen to his hall and there they stand stoic and grim in a protective circle. Beyond this wall of hardened warrior men and shield maidens the Jarl and his wife wear their finest cloths and watch as a witch woman and a priest work their ways. The woman an old crone with a crooked back and a lazy eye extendeds her hands and the bowl cupped in them and pours the golden syrupy substance upon the blade of the Jarls sword. All the while the priest an middle aged man of ash grey beard chants blessings and prayers to the ancestors, gods and spirits.   The Jarl raises the honey coated sword and allows it to drip off the blade and fall onto the lips of a mewling newborn in a cradle as he does the witch woman and priest cast their magics, spells to bless the child and bolster his health and resistance to illness. When the babe at last has eaten the measure of infused honey and the final prayers spoken the Jarl raises his sword and a cheer arises from his bondsmen. Father and mother then speak the child's name "Hakkon" they call him and so shall he be known the room cheers. Tonight the Jarls son has a name and has been gifted the taste of the Healing Honey the feast shall be great and the hall filled with laughter and joy.


Like many traditions of the Vistagari people the Honey Ritual is both spiritual and practical in nature. Its origins are quite simple and were used to help ensure the health and well being of new borns.


When a Child has reached three months of age they are considered ready for the Honey Rite. The Rite can be as quiet and small or as large and impressive as personal preference and funds allow for a family. Some are private others become parties with calibration and song once more dependent on the care givers preferences. The main part of the rite is when a child is recognized and fed a draught of honey infused with carefully selected medicinal herbs. After the Honey has been eaten the child is recognized and in some cases given a name.

Components and tools

The main component is a honey infused with healing herbs and crafted by a healer or wise person. The wealthy often pay for additional magic to improve the honeys medicinal traits. How the honey is feed to the child will vary from region to region some dripping it from a dagger or sword others using a rune etched spoon and some simply smearing it on a newborns lips.


Depending on the region and personal preference all one requires is a parent or caregiver who offers a simple prayer to the ancestors to guide the new born. However in many regions it has become more custom for a respected spell caster (Divine or arcane) to administer the Honey to the baby while care takers observe. It has also become common in recent years to have a holy person bless the child and offer a small sacrifice for the child's well being to the divine.


Anytime before a child reachs his or her first year though the sooner the better the honey rite will be observed, typeicaly three months of age is the most common time.
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