The Wild Hunt Organization in Sword Coast | World Anvil

The Wild Hunt

Some sort of supernatural hunt that people seem to fear. The party does not know much else about it.   Talos seems to think The Wild Hunt wants to kill Gorthok.

Demography and Population

The composition of the Wild Hunt was never fixed, always fluctuating in its members. But it was always presided over by Cerunnos and twenty of his hounds.   The hounds of Cerunnos were a special breed that originated from the Feywild and that he had power over, known as Wild Hunt hounds. Like their master, these hounds fought to the death against evil creatures, though they generally avoided attacking a hunted creature until all those who had been drawn into the Wild Hunt had a chance to do so themselves. There also existed a breed of dire wolves unique to the phenomenon, known as Wild Hunt wolves.   Whatever force was behind the Wild Hunt kept it eternal, making it so that if death ever came to Cerunnos, his Wild Hunt hounds, or his warlocks, then their bodies would disappear and reconstitute themselves.


Sects of Cerunnos worship typically had a particular enemy they loathed, often times being a creature that was intruding upon their territory.   On nights leading into the equinoxes and solstices, worshipers of Cerunnos would organize Wild Hunts that lasted from dawn to dusk. Participants garbed themselves in clothing meant to emulate their description of the Master of the Hunt, such as dark leather armor and a crown of antlers. Sects would use these hunts as an opportunity to track down and destroy the enemy they most loathed.


Most worshipers of Cerunnos were of a neutral alignment, though some leaned towards evil. His clergy was largely made up of druids, though clerics accounted for his most zealous of followers. Those who chose the path of a cleric were taught to track and hunt prey with a bow and spear. They then had to learn the methods of flight their expected prey were likely to use. The final test for a cleric was being given an hour before dusk to flee into the woods, carrying nothing but clothes, and having to elude his fellow hunters until dawn. If caught, the prospective cleric would almost certainly die.   Some warlocks were known to make pacts with him, either because they too suffered from an elusive quarry or they hoped to free someone that had been abducted by the Wild Hunt. In the latter case, a warlock often wound up riding as a member of the Wild Hunt for the rest of their life.   In terms of creatures, Cerunnos was worshiped by some firbolgs, who respected him as one of the few beings capable of bringing feuds between clans to an end.

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