Daniel Character in Sword Art Online: AOD | World Anvil


Daniel Kolisnyk (a.k.a. OG Daniel)

"Okay, so you're telling me that there was a button that said 'Do NOT press,' but you pressed it anyway?!"



Username: BuilderGuy43   Class: Cleric   Focus: Giant Wrench

Have You Even Met Daniel?

Daniel is the usually annoyed, but helpful cleric of the AOD Guild. He's still confused as to why he's the only one, but hey, at least he has a job?


A real ladies-man. Daniel enjoys long walks on the beach, planning things out, and learning the inner workings of machines...this could also be women, but he keeps complaining that that doesn't compute. He does have trouble processing emotions, but we all know you ladies love to fix things.   ~ Ashe   P.S. You're welcome, Daniel.

In Real Life


Junkyard Fun

Daniel was a child who grew up near a junkyard. His parents were not particularly well off, but they did their best to help him explore his interests. His father, Mark, worked as a mechanic. This, coupled with his proximity to Rusty’s Junkyard, got Daniel very interested in cars. His mother, Anna, worked as a Librarian at the local county library. She cultivated Daniel’s interest in reading. She was also quite weary of video games as a whole, so Daniel only got to play them at friends’ houses.  

Basically Daniel in a Nutshell

After high school, Daniel was able to secure a scholarship to Mountain State University to study Engineering. After finishing a Co-op at Denso, Daniel had some money to spend on something. As he had never had a video game of his own before, he decided it would be cool to pick up the new nerve gear and MMORPG.

Current Status
Dirty blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
150 lbs
Aligned Organization