Burned Out House Building / Landmark in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Burned Out House

You awaken in the fading light of dusk, laying on the red clay stained street before a small house that stands like a grim relic of a bygone era, perched on the corner of a desolate, single-lane road. Once a humble abode, it now exudes an aura of decay and despair. The walls, barely upright, seem to lean away from the center, their paint peeled and chipped, revealing the rotting timber beneath. The roof, a skeletal frame, is collapsed inward, as if burdened by the weight of the past it once held aloft. Across the street, an open field stretches for what seems like endless miles, now barren of the cotton that once thrived there. The air carries a stagnant scent of damp earth and forgotten memories, mingling with the faint aroma of smoke that lingers from the distant past. The pervasive silence is broken only by the occasional whisper of the wind, carrying tales of long-gone inhabitants.   The surrounding mobile homes, huddled behind chain-link fences, appear as silent witnesses to the house's gradual demise, yet, despite their proximity, an overwhelming sense of isolation clings to the area like a shroud. There are no signs of life, no flickering lights to pierce the encroaching darkness, it is as if the inhabitants have vanished into thin air, leaving behind nothing but their haunting legacy.   As the sun dips below the horizon, the land is transformed into a delta of eerie shadows, accentuating the hollow spaces within the derelict house. The forlorn structure seems to watch the approaching night with empty, sunken eyes, its soul long departed. In the distance, the mournful cries of unseen animals echo, adding to the ominous ambiance. Their sounds are distorted and unsettling, evoking a feeling of dread within you. The house seems to amplify the cacophony, absorbing the cries of the unseen creatures like a malevolent entity feeding on their fears. Time seems to stand still in this forgotten place, where the past lingers like a restless spirit. It is as if the world has abandoned this corner of existence, leaving it to decay and wither away, and as the darkness deepens, the air becomes heavy with a sense of foreboding, daring you to explore the secrets hidden within its crumbling walls.

Purpose / Function

The purpose of this structure was once that of a humble dwelling, a home for a family or individual seeking solace in the quiet countryside. It served as a shelter, a place of rest, and perhaps even a haven from the outside world. Long ago, when the house was inhabited, it provided a place for its residents to create memories, share laughter, and experience the joys and sorrows of life. It may have witnessed the growth of a family, heard the laughter of children playing, and served as a backdrop for countless celebrations and gatherings, however, over time, circumstances changed, and the house fell into disuse and neglect. The passage of years and the ravages of fire and the elements took their toll, transforming the once-welcoming abode into a haunting and desolate shell.


The architecture of this long-abandoned house reflects a bygone era, reminiscent of a time when simplicity and functionality were prized over opulence. The structure is a single-story dwelling with a traditional gable roof, once adorned with shingles that have now weathered and crumbled away. The roof, however, has partially collapsed, leaving parts of the interior exposed to the elements. The house is constructed using timber beams and wooden planks, giving it a rustic charm that has, unfortunately, deteriorated with neglect and decay. The wooden walls, now faded and discolored, once proudly showcased a coat of paint, but the colors have faded into a blend of murky shades under the relentless onslaught of time. Windows, though few in number, were once present, allowing natural light to fill the rooms and warm the inhabitants during the day. However, the glass panes have long been shattered or lost, leaving only empty frames that now serve as open portals for the wind to whistle through. The remnants of a front porch can be seen, its wooden planks warped and uneven. A few steps, now crumbling and overgrown with weeds, once welcomed visitors to the entrance, but now they lead to a threshold that no longer offers any hospitality. Around the perimeter of the house, the remnants of a white picket fence still stand, but the once pristine barrier has decayed into a skeletal outline. The chain-link fences surrounding the neighboring mobile homes starkly contrast the house's former quaint charm, further emphasizing its isolation.


  • Burned Out Building
Founding Date


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