Earth's Moon Geographic Location in Superheroes Assorted | World Anvil
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Earth's Moon

The moon landing wasn't faked, but it was also heavily altered. It also wasn't technically the first time a human was on the moon, although most people are quick to add that launching oneself up with powers and dying after two minutes because one's rudimentary EV suit was badly made isn't something most people would want to record. So we're content to ignore that idiot.   There's on one living on the moon, either. It's a barren rock with no water of its own and the faintest of atmosphere. At least Mars has some things going for it, even if it is still an uphill battle to so much as breathe, but at least it has something.   No one lives on the moon full time, but there are a lot of people who pass through. There are scattered shielded bases around, a few portals people have set up to lead to other planets and their moons, and small pockets of carefully concealed terraformed bubbles. Small, of course, because the resources required for them are immense. On the whole, it remains a barren outpost.   In practice, it has become a kind of borderland for everyone with the capability of reaching the moon (and the circumspection required to keep the fact that people go to the moon a lot as a secret). An in-between space for those who need the most neutral of territories. And a boundary line for those wary of those beyond our solar system.   (As well they should. There's a fair percentage who come this way who are nuts, and those who are still decent people have a fair chance of having some kind of technology or ability that would cause serious damage to Earth and its ecosystems if allowed to simply wander on in whenever they wanted. Trust, but verify, people.)   It's also the last place you'll find actual tourists. Anyone going beyond is heading into a different sort of civilization, as an embassy, or on a mission, or to explore a new frontier for humanity.
Planetoid / Moon


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