Sprites Species in Sunshade | World Anvil
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Sentient shards of pure magical energy, these creatures, colloquially known as sprites, only began to appear in [world name] in the aftermath of the Cataclysm. Despite their playful nature and willingness to show themselves to mortals little is known about these shape-shifting creatures. Some scholars propose that these sprites are pieces of the leftover magical energy that the Gods smote from the Spurns, while others argue that they are related to the fae.

Basic Information


Sprites have seemingly no 'true' anatomy, shifting between shapes at will and on whim in what is a suspected effort to impress the mortals around them. Some scholars, however, have claimed to observe sprites in a 'base' form whilst the sprite was unaware of their presence. In this proposed base form, the sprites appeared to be little more than an orb of glowing undulating energy. Each report is similar but observers have differed on what colors they claimed these sprites to be. It has been hypothesized that these colors represent different elements of magical energy.   They like to show themselves to mortals in different forms, sometimes looking like faeries, other times taking on the appearance of animals, occasionally even inanimate beings such as flowers. Though it isn't understood why sprites seem to enjoy showing off for mortals and will put on "shows" where they shift through appearances while swirling through the air.

Growth Rate & Stages

Thus far scholars know nothing about the lifespan of a sprite or if they even have one. As a magical entity, they exist beyond the rules of mortal bodies. Though no one has ever seen a confirmed juvenile sprite they have been observed in varying sizes, some scholars claim the smaller of these are young sprites.

Ecology and Habitats

For as widespread and diverse as sprites seem to be little is known about their habitat, let alone if they even have one. Sprites appear to be drawn to places of either high magical energy or high mortal activity. They have seemingly no environmental limits, content to fly beside airships in the skies, to swim alongside sea elves in deep oceans, happy in the arid steppes of the Cloudstriders and the searing sands of Seraendae.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As magical entities sprites have no need to eat, but do 'feed' on the magical energy flows through existence. Like moths to a flame they are attracted to people and places who radiate large amounts of that magical energy. They are a common sight on the campuses of magical schools, enjoying both the company of mortals and the energy they give off.
A common sprite, also known as a 'Will O the Wisp'.
Scientific Name
Magicae Animus
Conservation Status
Least Concern – Though little is known about these creatures at this time they have been observed in a vast variety of habitats and appear to be plentiful in numbers.


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