Mitflit Ethnicity in Sundered Cosmos | World Anvil
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Adapted From Pathfinderwiki- Mitflit
Mitflits, also known as mites, are self-loathing and pitiful cowards, easily bullied into servitude by other creatures or even slightly more powerful mitflit leaders. They tame insects, spiders, and other such creatures to serve as faithful allies. Mitflits have lost most of their ancestral gremlin magic, leaving these incomplete beings full of doubt and insecurity. Mitflits find companionship in the other base creatures of the world, and forge bonds of friendship with vermin, the only other beings that seem willing to accept them. A social structure, even one in which they are bullied, partially fills the hole within mitflits’ personalities, and they rarely rebel or rail out unless their rage hits a breaking point.

Naming Traditions

Family names



Common Etiquette rules

Due to the loss of their ancestral Gremlin magic, mitflits are pitiful, insecure creatures. They mostly keep to themselves and are easily bullied into submission by those more powerful than they are, even though they make terrible servants and food. They find comfort within a social structure, even when they are abused, and only rebel if their rage hits a breaking point.
Mitflits have a strong connection to vermin of all types, the only other beings that seem to tolerate them and often tame them to protect their underground lairs. Mitflits control these creatures with sounds and gestures, exchange these commands with others of their kind, and feed their own dead to breed vermin.
Mitflits most intense hatred is reserved for Dwarves  and Gnomes  (particularly the Subterran  Svirfneblin), but because of their natural cowardice, this seldom leads to serious violence. Mitflits are naturally prone to insanity. If their short, wretched lives do not end before a few years into adulthood, mitflits become amnesiac, paranoid, megalomaniacal, and start seeing hallucinations. Being physically weak, mitflits prefer to overwhelm their opponents with superior numbers, cutting at their enemies with small knives in a bloodthirsty frenzy.

Major organizations

Most mitflits on Gradus live in the Subterran  realm of Retle, where they inhabit the smallest, darkest tunnels. The dwarves joke that this is because mitflits are so ugly that they cannot stand to look at one another, which is a cruel inaccuracy since mitflits see quite well in darkness due to their darkvision. The largest known population of mitflits can be found in the upside-down city known as Ethermoor, where they dwell alongside thousands of their fey brethren and are ruled by Queen Etheriaphantoghast.   In the past, the Goblins  of the Vovund  city of Shihari's sewer competed for space and resources with a population of mitflits who had made their way up from the Subterra realm of Retle. The sewer goblins eventually won this contest and drove the blue-skinned creatures to migrate to other areas, such as the pilings of the Giant's Bridge.

Virminkin Gremlins

Gremlin Heritage

Virminkin Gremlins also called Mitflits can use Diplomacy to Make an Impression on and Request things of arthropods (insects, spiders, scorpions, crabs, and similar invertebrate animals). Most arthropods have a starting attitude of indifferent towards them and they can add their level as a circumstance bonus to diplomacy checks on arthropods.
Encompassed species
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