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Fae Turned

As the boy explored the grounds of his new home, he discovered lots of 3 leaved plants scattered randomly around the back yard. What caught his eye was not the size of the plants, which were quite small, but the bright purple berries growing in clusters on its stem.

Transmission & Vectors

Berries are ingested. These are the most alluring aspect of the plant. Many who come in contact with it will be intrigued at the first glimpse of the berry. There is said the initial sight causes the victim to be mystified enticing them further to eat from it. This fact has not been proven. Pollen is airborne but does no infect victims. The pollen is for seeding other areas and spreading the plant. The leaves and stems can be dried, ground, steeped into a tea to ingest. They can also be boiled into a decoction or preserved in a tincture to ingest. The condition of transformation can not be infectious from person to person (or fae to fae.)


It is said by some that mysticism is the first "symptom." This entices the victim to actually eat the berry without knowledge of what it is. This symptom has not been proven, however. The pollen is spread in late spring early summer.


After 10 minutes of ingesting the berry, the subjects bones will have a dull ache. It may feel like the start of a fever. After 20 mins of ingesting, the subject will become very drowsy. Once they fall asleep, which they always will. They will transform from either fae size to human size or human size to fae size.


There is no known instant cure. Time is your only ally.. The condition has been seen and fades over time.


Each infected being is different in their recovery time though the average duration is one to two weeks. They are generally cured of the condition after that time. This is not a terminal condition. The subject will recover if kept safe. The subject can however die from outside forces while in their condition (ie a human who is turned into fae can be stepped on by another human while in their small state.) This would be the cause of death, not the condition itself.


It was once recorded that a fae infected with the condition never returned to fae size but remained human. This is the only one off.


Dont eat the berries. Fae are trained and taught from an early age the appropriate mental exercises to avoid the initial "mystical" trance to prevent them from ingesting the berries. Whether this training works for them is individual and evidenced later on in their life if they encounter the plant.
Chronic, Acquired

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