Sufera History of Sufera Timeline
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History of Sufera

Before Era of Dragons

... 1 ED

  • Beginning of Existance
    The Divine arrive

    The arrival of beings that would become known as the Divine

    Amalgamate Plane
  • Unknown
    The corruption of the Divine
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Dellene, Goddess of the Skies is corrupted, and begins to turn against her fellow Divine

  • The Dark Century
    War of Divinity

    The corruption had spread too far, Dellene's, Goddess of the Skies plans had come to fruitition, and the time had come to strike.

  • Midst Divine War
    The Ascension of Ingar
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    A Humanoid named Ingar is believed to have Ascended to Divinity around here.

    More reading
    Ascension of Ingar
  • The Year of Light
    Creation of the Bastions
    Construction beginning/end

    Across Sufera, large pillars of Quartz, vibrantly glowing with light and warmth, sprout from the ground.

  • Circa 200 BED
    Birth of Dragons
    Life, Birth

    Born from the life cultivated on Sufera, the first Dragons are created to assist in the War of the Divine

  • 0 BED

    1 Frost 01:00

    Crowning of the Dragons
    Life, Supernatural

    As payment for their assistance, the Divine bless each Dragons with the power to manipulate a School of Magic

  • 0 BED

    1 Frost 02:00

    The Divine withdraw

    The Divine withdraw from Sufera, leaving it in the charge of the Dragons

Era of Dragons

1 ED 510 ED

  • Beginning of Era
    Dragons educate Suferan Life
    Life, Education

    Dragons teach magic to the early creatures, allowing all manner of creatures to evolve

  • 455 ED

    Dragon of Transmutation is corrupted
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Laku, the Dragon of Transmutation is corrupted by the same entity that corrupted the Divine

  • 456 ED

    470 ED

    Birth of the Orcs and Giants
    Life, Supernatural

    Laku, Dragon of Transmutation uses his magic to manipulate the creatures of his domain into stronger soldiers, Orcs and Giants

  • Circa 460
    Creation of the Moons

    Two lovers are turned into the moons orbitting Sufera by Laku, Dragon of Transmutation

    More reading
    Lunar Lovers
  • 470 ED

    510 ED

    The Dragon War
    Military action

    War between Laku and the others began, only ending with the entrapping of him deep underground, where he was rapidly aged to death

  • 510 ED

    7 Humid

    "Resurrection" of Transmutation
    Life, Death

    After Laku's death, the School of Magic died also, until the Dragon of Necromancy partially resurrected him, but kept him trapped deep underground in a painful existance

  • 510 ED

    8 Humid

    The Dragons hide away
    Life, Relocation

    The Dragons follow their creators in receding from the Amalgamate Plane, and go into hiding

  • 510 ED


    Peace, Prosperity and Creation
    Life, Birth

    With all Schools of Magic returned, and no more Global conflicts, the creatures of the world began to settle into their environments and forge their identities

Era of Man

511 ED and beyond

  • 1328 EM

    1328 EM


    Cultural Divide of the Sphericium
    Cultural event

    A divide is formed between the clans of Humanoids, over idealogical and social identity   The divide caused minor conflicts and skirmishes between the clans before peace is formalised and borders drawn

  • 1380 EM

    Creation of Crasia
    Political event

    The Kingdom of Crasia, or Crasian Kingdom, is founded.

  • 1419 EM

    Creation of the Mythlulian Empire
    Political event

    Creation of the Mythlulian Kingdom (later Mythlulian Empire )

  • 1458 EM

    1459 EM


    Mythlulian / Crasian Skirmishes
    Military action

    Diplomatic relations between the bordering nations of Mythlulian Empire and Crasian Kingdom broke down over the placement of the border. The resulting skirmishes felled hundreds, and resulted in the first siege of Gahlaku City

    Gahlaku City
  • 1460 EM

    Otonian Schism
    Religious event

    A Schism between members of the Otonian Religion on the belief and worship of Ingar, The Crowned, resulting in the creation of a new Sect, Communion of the Crowned

  • 1512 EM

    Unification of Rigin
    Diplomatic action

    The Various Rigin states combine into the United Provinces of Rigin, combining all the cultures and races of these formerly segregated groups.

  • 2082 EM

    Annexation of the Gnomic Meritocracy
    Political event

    The Gnomic Meritocracy was annexed into the Mythlulian Empire "willingly"

  • 2314 EM

    54 Hail

    Fall of Crasia, and Rise of Goralldom

    King Crasia XIX of the former Crasian Kingdom is killed, and his kingdom is overruled by the new King Gorall who declares his domain to be Goralldom

  • 2315 EM

    Modern Day
    Life, Milestone

    Modern Day