Ungodolgnik Species in Subsolem Septem | World Anvil


The Ungodolgnik, commonly also called Vermin-kin or Drider are Sumraki-Ashaī who possess a more or less ordinary elven torso and head while having an arachnid or in rarer cases insectoid lower body.

Ungodolgnik are either born as the child of two of their kind or metamorphosize from a Vermin-minder who uses their powers too regularly.
Vermin-kin cannot procreate with Sumraki-Ashaī or other races but can conceive and sire spawn when paired with another unfortunate soul who either underwent the process known as the Ungodolg-Metamorphosis or was born as the child of other such beings.

Drider possess an aptitude and gift in the discipline of Vermin-minding that is unknown to any other race and many find it easy to maintain control of even the mightiest of War Spiders while doing other things at the same time.

Despite this obvious power and its uses for the Armed Forces of the Stygian Republic where Vermin-minding is a prized ability the Ungodolgnik are seen by the people of Styx at large as abominations.
Their shape is considered debased, devolved and degenerate and they are treated by many as little better than actual vermin.


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