Kholyn Half Orcs Species in Subsolem Septem | World Anvil

Kholyn Half Orcs

Orcs can sire or bear children with other humanoid races, among the Kholyn this is commonplace as the people of the steppes mingle often and keep good relations with the other sapient peoples of Aman-ya. Half Orcs share some qualities with Orcs while also having attributes of their other parent's race.  

Half-Orc Racial Characteristics

  D20 Race Entry
All options that do not conflict with the changes made for the Styx Setting are available.

  Ability Score Modifiers: Half-orc characters gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Type: Half-orcs are Humanoid creatures with both the human and orc subtypes.
Size: Half-orcs are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Half-orcs have a base speed of 30 feet.
Intimidating: Half-orcs receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks due to their fearsome nature.
Orc Ferocity: Once per day, when a half-orc is brought below 0 hit points but not killed, he can fight on for 1 more round as if disabled. At the end of his next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, he immediately falls unconscious and begins dying.
Weapon Familiarity: Half-orcs are always proficient with scimitars, all types of bows, and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon.
Orc Blood: Half-orcs count as both Humans and Orcs for any effect related to race.
Adaptability: Half-orcs receive Skill Focus as a bonus feat at 1st level.
Ancestry: With the permission of your game master you may pick one racial trait from your character's other parent race.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Undercommon and Yarikhel Orcish. Yarikhel is a harsh, grating language with hard consonants. It has its own script.
Half-orcs with high intelligence scores can learn any languages they want (except Druidic and other secret languages).

Half Orc (Human Parentage): Human born half orcs tend to be sturdier built than humans and live significantly shorter lives.

Half Orc (Dwarven Parentage): Dwarf born half orcs tend to be shorter and wider built than orcs, they grow impressive beards regardless of gender.

Half Orc (Gnomish Parentage): Gnome born half orcs tend to be even shorter than dwarven born ones and are among the physically weakest half orcs get.

Half Orc (Elven Parentage): Elf born half orcs tend to be more elegant and lithe than their orc parent, their features tend to be sharper and more refined.


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